Re: [Cz-L] Funerals

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2010 19:24:15 +0200
Reply-to: Hedwig Brenner <>

Hi Hardy, I must correct you, only the christian coffins were iwthout lid,
the jewish coffins were closed, you could not see the "pale face"...
"dus" is not only the neutre (saechlicher) article, it means also " this"
for instance: Dus Meidale is schein" the accent on dus....
means This girl is beautiful"...u.s.w....or "Dus is a grober Jingatsh"" how
you would translate it??That is an unpolished (ungehobelt) lad???
Bests regards Hedwig
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 2:34 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Funerals

>I was fortunate to live on the Russischegasse where all corteges
> had to pass.
> First you would hear the big drums ,from as far as the Ringplatz ,
> then the big brass ,then the rest of the band.
> All the children were lining the street , many grown-ups too.
> It was entertainment.
> Then came the hearse, drawn by masked horses.
> The coffin was open and a palid face was looking up from a
> flower- covered coffin. This was the corpse.
> In Yiddish " Dus Mess". "Dus "is the neuter article - not masculine nor
> feminine.
> After you died you lost your gender.( makes sense).
> Then came family , neighbors .
> Everybody wanted to know who the deceased was .
> Then came the orchestre ,blasting away the same funeral march (Chopin)
> as always.
> The kids would follow a few blocks ,magnetized.
> The the magic was over.
> If we are lucky ,we will have a new funeral tomorrow !
> Hardy

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