"Peiger" or "Peyger" and "gepeygert" were derogatory terms usually used
about animals, or hated people, der "meth" or dus "meth" were neutral terms.
Yiddish indeed has many words for similar but very definite meanings.
Czernowitz Yiddish differs from Yiddish spoken in other places, mostly by
the pronunciation, we said "dus" others said "dos", we said a-heym, others
said a-haim. We said miz trugen, others said muz trogen.
We also used a lot more Ukrainian or Ruthenian words.
On 6/9/10 3:50 PM, "Paul Heger" <pheger_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> i don't remember "dus mess" it seems strange to my Yiddisch ear. I think it
> was "der Peiger."
> Yiddish has differnt terms for each:
> "gestorben or aweggegangen" and "gepeigert."
> "er is krank" and "er fiehlt sich nischt git"
> "Gelernt" and "studiert"
> " asefer" and "a biech"
> Every term indicates its precise nature.
> Paul/Pessach Heger
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