Re: [Cz-L]The Czernowitz cemetery residents about to be "generously," sprayed with herbicides.

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:38:22 +0300
To: YASO <>, '2GEUSNY SAD Czernowitz Discussion Group ' <>

Dear Aizik,
 Monsanto is not I.G. Farben,
  Herbicide is not Zyklon B,
   Czernowitzi Zwinter is not a KZ,
   Herbicides are used to avoid vegetation everywhere,
    Vegetation is removed to allow us visit our graves.
      For this we should be grateful to Mimi and Monsanto.

----- Original Message -----
From: "YASO" <>
To: "'2GEUSNY SAD Czernowitz Discussion Group '" <>
Cc: "2GEILJE Kasow Harriet & Harvey" <>
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 10:08 AM
Subject: [Cz-L]The Czernowitz cemetery residents about to be "generously,"
sprayed with herbicides.

> Shalom to all,
> First I want to congratulate with a hearty "Yeshar Koah" to Mimi
> for her work concerning the Czernowitz Jewish Cemetery and wish
> there were more like her for all the other Jewish cemeteries in
> the Ukraine and other European countries.
> Just returned with cousin Harriet Kosow from Czernowitz and other
> shteitels near Czernoitz and all are in a similar sad state as
> described by Mimi . (I will write a report/article to the group
> soon about our trek, this is a promise not a threat).
> With all due respect to Mimi, and her most Holy work, a cold
> sweat ran down my spine on reading Mimi's last message see below.
> Some of those buried in Czernowitz cemetery (and other cemeteries)
> are Holocaust victims and survivors. Isn't it enough that some of
> them were murdered (or escaped being murdered) by poisonous gas etc.
> and now while trying to rest in peace. they are about to about to be
> treated to an additional amount of poisons "free of charge," thanks
> to the good graces of Monsanto.
> Since returning from the Ukraine and seeing firsthand the horrible
> weedy/trees, vegetation etc. in the cemeteries, due mainly to the
> bountiful rain, and good agricultural soil in the Ukraine. I have
> been breaking my head, overtime, trying to figure out a
> "green-ecological" solution to this problem.
> Through the auspices of this wonderful discussion group I believe I
> have the solution to this problem by "passing the buck," to our (and I
> do not have enough superlatives or fancy titles to use, so I'll just
> call him) host/director, Prof. Dr. Bruce Reisch who is a Professor in
> agricultural sciences to turn to his colleagues in the different
> agricultural sciences field in order to rid once and for all in a "green"
> way these horrible weedy and overgrown tree menaces from the cemeteries
> so that our forefathers who never had it easy in this world can now
> finally rest in peace.
> All the best, and on the day after father's day, please remember also
> our forefathers.
> Aizic Sechter
> Israel
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