Since we are just about three months away from Yom Kippur I want to ask
forgiveness for raising the present controversy concerning the Jewish
in Eastern Europe in general and specifically in the Ukraine and Czernowitz.
Just the same I am still sticking to my guns and sincerely believe that
herbicides are poisonous, some are more, while some are less but they are
ALL poisonous.If not, can someone please explain the phenomenal growth of
the billion dollars "Organic Food Industry?" An industry still growing even
in these bad economic days.
Also I do not know how you do it in your household, in mine we scrub with
soap all our vegetables and fruits. Okay we don't do it to the watermelons
and other melons and nuts.
Once upon the time I was the spokesman of the Israeli Agricultural Research
Organization (ARO) and am now waiting for some wise advice from the leading
weed control scientists here at ARO.
Mimi is correct concerning the difficulty in going into all the nooks of the
cemetery with mechanized weed cutters, etc.. She and other members have
mentioned the extreme high prices of cleaning by manpower the cemeteries,
which in a matter of weeks or months the weeds and trees are again
sprouting. This phenomena I believe is called "a bucket/barrel without a
Thinking out loud and before hearing out the ARO scientists, maybe the
solution is a onetime expense of pouring a heavy dose of concrete around
each and every grave. Just like Monsanto I am sure there must be a huge
concrete conglomerate willing to contribute the concrete for such a project.
But believe me the cleaning of the weeds and trees is a minor/micro one. We
are simply barking up the wrong weeds/trees, not seeing the macro problem.
After having visited dozens of cemeteries in Chernowitz and its vicinities,
I believe that in order to save the Jewish cemeteries in Europe for the
future generations the name of the game is actually PRESERVATION AND
RESTORATION. I noticed many (maybe most) headstones were unreadable to the
naked eye. Most of them not standing straight, some partially or fully
buried in the ground etc. This sad situation must be dealt immediately
before it is too late.The clock is ticking.
Before pouring the concrete, the stones must be straighten out. The
stones to the naked eye must be treated with modern digital and other
technologies so that its hidden (to the naked eye) secrets revealed and if
need be a brand new stone put in its place, written with the very same
Putting brand new headstones instead of the old ones is allowed according to
the Jewish Halacha (Law). For example, during our present trek we saw this
done at the gravesite of the mother of the "Baal Shem Tov," at a town, two
hours drive north of Chernowitz. A brand new headstone covers her grave with
the original inscription plus new additions.
So we as members of this group instead of crying over spilled milk or
expressing our grief at the nostalgic Czernowitz of the past let's do
something productive for the future, lets find solutions on ways to save,
conserve and preserve the cemeteries.
I'm afraid that even if we succeed in persuading the entire Chinese army to
volunteer for this enormous enterprise undertaking (no pun intended) it will
be sufficient.
But I have full confidence in you, folks, especially those that have tasted
the (clean) waters of the Pruth to come up with some very wise solutions.
Aizic Sechter
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