I would be happy to contribute something in English what type of material
are you looking for?
Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur von Czernowitz" <vonczernowitz_at_yahoo.com>
To: "jerome schatten" <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Cc: <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 7:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] The World Organization of the Bukovina Jews
Hi Jerome
The WOBJ has new management, out with the old (80) and in with the young
(70). There are going to be changes, for one I believe that the web will
have some English articles. Also Die Stimme will have changes also more
English so that the international readers will be able to get something out
of it.
I also believe that I will be nominated to the editorial comity of the paper
Die Stimme, and hope that I will be able to contribute for some of those
And with this I would like for the participants of the Czernowitzer List to
contribute articles for the Web and Die Stimme.
Jerome, I will always answer all your inquiries.
--- On Wed, 11/10/10, jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca> wrote:
> From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
> Subject: RE: [Cz-L] The World Organization of the Bukovina Jews
> To: "cornel fleming" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net>
> Cc: "'Hedwig Brenner'" <hedbren_at_zahav.net.il>, "'Arthur von Czernowitz'"
> <vonczernowitz_at_yahoo.com>, Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
> Date: Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 5:29 PM
> Czernowitzers...
> Seems to me that some years ago 'we' (and I can't remember
> who else was
> involved -- Mimi, Cornel?), tried to hook up with the Die
> Stimme gang.
> At that time they had a bit of a website that was in many
> languages.
> Some of the articles were in English, some in German,
> Romanian, etc.,
> and no single article was in more than one language.
> Maybe that's very Bukovinian, but it ends up to be a tower
> of babble
> for, dare I say, most of us. Indeed, for an outsider like
> myself, this
> made 90 percent of their material inaccessible.
> I tried several more time to make contact with those folks,
> but finally
> gave up as my enquiries ended up not being answered. I was
> left with the
> feeling that they were not interested in us.
> Things change. I'm am sure that there might be many useful
> outcomes for
> us in a relationship with the WOBJ group. Ehpes however,
> does its
> business in English, and Die Stimme, as near as I can tell,
> does its
> business in Deutsch (the Hebrew site notwithstanding).
> Carrying on a potential relationship in German as Cornell
> suggests is
> simply not going to be productive on this end unless
> someone is prepared
> translates both ways for us. This could be a huge
> commitment if we're
> talking about content in Die Stimme.
> It would be interesting to better understand the goals of
> WOBJ, their
> numbers and makeup, their history, and what their
> expectations might be
> in a relationship with us. Arthur?
> Best,
> jerome
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