Re: [Cz-L] Street names.

From: David Glynn <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 07:57:45 +0000
To: Miriam Taylor <>, czernowitz list <>
Reply-to: David Glynn <>

An excellent map of Czernowitz with the Austrian street names can be found
on the "ehpes" site in the Maps section. This is the direct link.

The map was made in 1907, but it is still an excellent guide map to the town


----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "Abraham Kogan" <>; "Bruce Wexler"
<>; <>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L]Resource for Czernowitz Photos and history. Street names.

The names of the major (more or less North - South) streets in Czernowitz
were, starting from the south-west:

in German: Kuczumare-Gasse till the Austria-Platz and Rathaus-Strasse to the
Ringplatz and north of the Ringplatz - Enzenberg-Hauptstrasse.

In Romanian the names were changed to:
Cucuriumure Str., Bul. Regele Carol II, Str. Regina Maria and north of the
Ringplatz - Regele Ferdinand.

Currently in Ukrainian: Chervonoarmiis'ka, till just north of the
Austria-Platz, then Golovna till the intersection with the Russische-Gasse,
currently named Rus'ka and from there north - Gagarina Ul.
The former Banhof Strasse, or in Romanian Str. I.C .Bratianu is now also
called Gagarina Ul.

Starting from the south-east:
In German: Siebenburger-Strasse until it joined the Rathaus-Strasse slightly
north of the Austria-Platz.
In Romanian: Strada Transilvaniei, till the northern edge of the Volksgarten
and Strada Stefan cel Mare, till it joined the Regina Maria.
In Ukrainian: Golovna Ul. From the southern edge of the city to the
intersection with the Russische Gasse. All the various sections of this one
continuous street are part of Golovna Ul. Then joining Gagarina Ul. As
described in the previous paragraph.

It is possible to access a street map of Chernivtsi with the street names
written in Latin letters, from Googlemaps.


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