[Cz-L] Popovici authorizations

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2011 11:15:28 -0500
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

I received the following message from Gerhard Waldhorn and he asked me to
send it on to the list:

> Hi Mimi
> I want to tell you, that you are right! I was a little baby when we were taken
> to Transnistria, and we "landed" in DEREBZCHIN (did you hear about this
> village?). There was a director of a sugar factory who employed Jews in order
> to let them survive. My father was a dentist, and was highly demanded,
> being the only dentist in the region. 1943 or 1944 came Russians called
> "Dobrovolzes" in our village and stayed there for 3 days. Do you think they
> were the soldiers of Vlassov, or another group? Please let me know. They
> murdered in the first night of their staying, half of the Jews in the village,
> but we escaped the massacre because they simply forgot us (or G-d wanted that
> I write you now this letter, who knows?).
> In any case, what I want to write you here is, that the next night the
> Romanian authorities took all the Jews under their protection to the
> community center and we stayed there under armed soldier protection 2 nights
> and 2 days in order to escape the following night massacre. Interesting: the
> soldiers of Jasi in Romania massacred thousand of Jews, and the soldiers of
> Derebczin protected us not to be murdered. How you explain that?
> I would be glad if you publish my letter in the E-Mails of Cz and answer my
> questions. And may be other people can answer also this puzzle. My E-Mail
> address is gwaldhorn_at_dr-waldhorn.ch
> Thanks a lot.
> Dr. Gerhard Waldhorn
> Switzerland

The troops who murdered Jews in 1944, were Ukrainians, I think that, they
were called "Dobrovolnyi", they were Ukrainians and under the command of
General Bandera, therefore also called "Banderovtsi".
In Poland also, at the end of WW2, there were Poles who murdered the Jews
who were coming back from the USSR or from the concentration camps.


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