RE: [Cz-L]Bojan, Boian, Boyany, Boiany

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jan 2011 13:58:38 -0500
Reply-to: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear Tina,

Meanwhile you got additional information on the
scope and the structure of our group and I think
all of us feel, that you are someone, who could
contribute greatly to the group and also benefit
greatly from it. I wouldn't like to magnify the
reading material for you, but on the other hand
you (and the group) should get the opportunity to
learn the feedback on your impressive testimony:

- Peter Elbau characterized Gica's anti-Semitic
comment - quite rightly - as outrageous and
idiotic and send an - YET UNRELEASED - eyewitness
testimony from a survivor of the Iasi Pogrom
Thank you, Peter!

- Malvina Malinek wrote: "Actually, in my book
about the pogroms of Bucovina published in '45,
it states categorically that the pogroms were a
direct retaliation by the Romanian battalion of
retreating soldiers who were met by a few Soviet
flag-bearing Jews in my mother's village of
Ciudin,- because the Jews thought they were
meeting the advancing Russians to save them from
the Fascists. The Romanians vowed that they will
kill all the Jews if they ever returned,- which
unfortunately they did. The local population was
given a free hand over 24-48 hours to do whatever
they liked to the Jews and they sure took
advantage of it. The soldiers just finished the
job by shooting whomever they found alive,-
including my grandfather and my aunt. We were
there in 2008 and there is a small monument
behind the school in Ukkrainian stating that 642
Jews were murdered and apparently the football
ground is their mass grave! An uncle who hid in a
loft survived afterwards in Transnistria. As for
the Romanian 'regat' where I survived with my
parents in our home just over the border in
Botosani,- we were lucky. Some of my Jewish
Romanian friends will argue to this day that
'there was no holocaust in Romania'! Madame
Lupescu did have a lot to do with our good
fortune! The Jews of Bulgaria were also saved. I
am more inclined to put it down to the difference
in the Christian Churches ,- the Orthodox ones
were not as bad as the Catholics in their
anisemitic teachings! There were a few
orchestrated pogroms, but not the mass murders of
the surrouning countries."

- Mimi Taylor wrote: "It is a myth among
Romanians that Romania treatd its Jews better
than did other central and eastern European
counries. If a greater percentage of Romanian
Jews survived, rather than Jews of other
countries, it is because the Romanians were less
eficient, their hatred and murderous intention
were the same. Justifying mass murder by accusing
all Jews of having been communists is
prescription for continued criminality."

- Irene Silverblatt wrote: "I have been reading
your blog postings and want to thank you for all
you have done to make the past part of our living
memories. The exchanges, like the one you repost
here, show how important your work is for our

- Anny Chemla wrote: "Here is the old jewish
cemetery bayan which has been newly renovated and
walled in year (hebreu calender tav shin sameh
dalet) by the jewish association "Zitomir and
west ukraina under the management of the great
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm and with the endeavor of the
new Rabbi Menahem Nahoum Fishmann memberes of the
important and head office of the Bayan Hasidim in
USA, with the help of the wealthy man Arie Wasner
for the memory and respect of our old ages
persons souls, the Gaon Hasid Rabbi Israel Isar
Sternhal which served with holinessas A Rabbi and
president of a court of justice here the holy
congreration and rest in this life house. This
translation is what I feel and understand. Shabat
shalom Anny Schäfer Chemla from Paris France."

For all, who would like to review the original
post (+ comments) at Blog, it's just

Finally, dear Tina, please note that you are
going to find additional pictures from Bojan on
the website. Go please to the section
"Cemeteries & Towns - Photo Albums from Bukovina,
Galicia & Romania" and look for "Bojan"!

Warmest wishes from the Netherlands!

Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands
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