Good morning Frieda,
so nice hearing from you again! Now: Martha Feingold went to school with me
(the Meisler school) and we were close friends. After the war we lost touch
and I know that she went to Germany with her parents. She studied medicine
there, came back to Israel and became a very well known dermatologist here.
She lives in Tel-Aviv and we are still in touch. Martha had a very fine
soprano voice and wanted to become a singer. Her father, a down-to-earth
lawyer, said you better study something which will enable you to earn a
living, you can always sing as a hobby.
Martha is a widow and the mother of 3 sons.
Hava a nice Shabat,
----- Original Message -----
From: "frieda tabak" <>
To: <>; "Lucca" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Ambrosgasse.
> Dear Lucca,
> I have been corresponding with Bianca Rosenthal=A0, nee Binca
> Goldhagen,=A0=
> with whose family we shared a room during our stay in Poland after leaving
> =
> Czernowitz. =A0 We came upon=A0the subject of the the German school we
> both=
> attended in Munich 1946-47. I could not remember the name of the school,
> b=
> ut I remembered that there was another Jewish girl there from
> =A0Czernowitz=
> whose name I had also forgotten.
> Bianca, whose memory is much better than mine, reminded me that it was the
> =
> Implerschule and that the Girl's name was Martha Feingold who now is Lucca
> =
> Ginsburg. I was Frieda Weinschenker, I was fourteen years old at the time,
> =
> and I am =A0the niece or Dr Salo Koffler, who, I think, you once told me,
> b=
> rought you into this wolrd.=A0
> Ah, the wonders of the internet! I don't know how I existed without it all
> =
> these years.
> Frieda
> [Please post in Plain Text]
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