Re: [Cz-L] Transnistria

From: I Vaisman <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 00:58:44 -0500
To: Ervin Spinner <>
Reply-to: I Vaisman <>


below is an incomplete bibliography on the Holocaust in Transnistria
consisting mostly of academic monographs and survivors memoirs in book
form (it does not include articles from periodicals and archival
materials, I can send you some of those as well, if you need them).


1. The situation of the Jews in Transnistria. Reports on the Jewish
Situation. Rumania ;; 2;. 1943: New York.
2. Ornstein, F., G×nditi-va la tot ce s'a petrecut Ïn Transnistria
(1941-1944). 1945, [S.l.]: Asociatia Fostilor Deportati Ïn
Transnistria. 69, [18] p., [8] p. of plates.
3. Rudich, M., La brat cu moartea : vedenii din Transnistria. 1945,
Bucuresti: Biblioteca "Hehalut". 110 p.
4. Carp, M., Cartea neagra; suferintele evreilor din timpul
dictaturei fasciste, 1940-1944. 1946, Bucuresti: Atelierele grafice
Socec. v. illus. 25 cm.
5. Carp, M., Transnistriye; lebn, laydn un umkum fun besarabishe,
bukoviner un rumenishe yidn Uniform Title: Transnistria. Yiddish.
Besaraber Yidn,; bd. 2; Variation: Besaraber Yidn ;; bd. 2. 1950,
Buenos Ayres: Besaraber Landslayt Farayn in Argentine. 362 p. illus.
21 cm.
6. Weisman, B., Unter Antoneskos baytsh : (oyf di randn fun bukh
"Transnusterye" fun Matityahu Karp). 1952, Buenos Ayres: "Besaraber
Yidn" Bolivye durkhn farlag S. Segal, Place: Argentina; Buenos Ayres.
15 p.
7. Fisher, J.S., Transnistria: The forgotten cemetery. 1969: South
Brunswick [N.J.] T. Yoseloff. 161 p. 22 cm.
8. Kunshtad, L.d., Treybt men Yiden ibern Dni`ester = Chassing Jews
across the Dniester : togebukh funem Transnistrishen gehinom. 1979,
[Israel?: s.n. 430 p.
9. Carp, M., Cartea neagra suferintele evreilor din Rom×nia.
1940-1944. 1980, Bucuresti: Atelierele grafice Socec.
10. Malaron, Y., `Od tatsi mi-kan : yomanah shel na`arah mi-megurashe
Transnistriyah. Sidrah la-no`ar `a. sh. Korts'ak; Variation: Sidrah
la-no`ar `a. sh. Korts'ak. 1980, Yerushalayim: Yad va-shem. 56 p.
11. Litani, D.A., Transnistria. 1981, Tel Aviv: Typo studio Ijak. 192
p.-[1] f. de pl.
12. Kunshtad, L.d., Traybt men Yiden ibern Dnyester = Chassing Jews
across the Dniester : togebukh funem Transnistrishen gehinom. 1982,
[Israel?: s.n. 430 p.
13. Palty, S.H.A., El me-`ever li-Denyestr : na`arah be-erets gezerah.
1983, [Tel Aviv]: Moreshet : Sifriyat po`alim. 157 p., 10 leaves of
14. Segal, H., Kinder dertseyln fun Transnistrye : entfers oyf an
ankete durkhgefirt in Rumenye in di yorn 1946 un 1947. Tsvayter
opkloyb. 1984, Rehovot: [o.f.]. 70 p.
15. Meller-Faust, H., Me-`ever la-nahar : pirke zikhronot
mi-Transnistriyah. 1985, [Lohame ha-Getaot] : Bet lohame ha-getaot:
[Tel Aviv]. 271 p.
16. Ancel, J., Documents concerning the fate of Romanian Jewry during
the Holocaust. 1986, New York, N.Y.: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation.
17. Ben-Zion, S., Yeladim Yehudiyim be-Transnistria bi-tekufat
ha-shoah. 1986, Haifa: University of Haifa. 366 l.
18. Haimovitch, M., Li-Transnistriyah uva-hazarah. 1987, Tel Aviv: M.
Hayimovits. 55 p.
19. Shachan, A., Ba-kefor ha-lohet : getaot Transnistriyah. 1988,
Lohame ha-Getaot : Bet lohame ha-getaot: [Tel Aviv]. 399 p.
20. Ben-Tsiyon, S., Yeladim Yehudim bi-Transnistriyah bi-tekufat
ha-Shoah. 1989, Hefah : ha-Makhon le-heker ha-Shoah, Universitat
Hefah: [Jerusalem]. 315 p.
21. Viata si martiriul evreilor din C×mpulung-Bucovina. 1990,
[Bucuresti]: Lucrare Colectiva.
22. Jagendorf, S.H.-M.A., Jagendorf's foundry : memoir of the Romanian
Holocaust, 1941-1944. 1st ed. 1991, New York, N.Y.: HarperCollins
Publishers. xxix, 209 p.
23. Palty, S., Evrei, treceti Nistrul! : Ïnsemnari din deportare. Ed.
2. ed. Lumen (Bucharest, Romania);. 1992, [Bucharest]: Cartea
Rom×neasca. 205 p.
24. Budeanu, G., Transnistria Ïn flacari : reportajele unui
corespondent de razboi. 1993, Chisinau: Universitas. 174 p., [16] p.
of plates.
25. Dobroszycki, L.G.J.S., The Holocaust in the Soviet Union : studies
and sources on the destruction of the Jews in the Nazi-occupied
territories of the USSR, 1941-1945. 1993, Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe.
xii, 260 p.
26. Haimovitch, M., Li-Transnistriyah uva-hazarah. 1993, Tel-Aviv: Tamar. 74 p.
27. Miler, M., Sefer Hai u-varukh. 1993, Ramat Viz'nits-Hefah: Mekhon
"Mekor ha-berakhah". v. <2 >.
28. Verenca, O., Administratia civila rom×na in Transnistria. 1993,
Chisinau: Universitas. 132 S.
29. Carp, M., Holocaust in Rumania : facts and documents on the
annihilation of Rumania's Jews, 1940-44 / Uniform Title: Cartea
neagra. English. 1994, Budapest: Primor Pub. 339 p.
30. Benditer, Y., Lagarele Vapniarca si Grosulovo, Ïnchisoarea
Ribnita, ghetourile Olgopol, Savrani, Tridubi, Crivoi-Ozero si
Trihati. 1995, Tel Aviv: AnaÐs. ii, 182, xxxiv p.
31. Korber-Bercovici, M., Jurnal de ghetou : Djurin, Transnistria,
1941-1943. 1995, Bucuresti: Editura Kriterion. 122 p.
32. Nistor, I.S., Istoria rom×nilor din Transnistria : orgnizarea,
cultura si jertfa lor. 1995, Bucuresti: Editura Eminescu. 161 p.
33. Palty, S.W.E.R., Jenseits des Dnjestr : jØdische
Deportationsschicksale aus Bukarest in Transnistrien 1942-1943 /
Uniform Title: Evrei, treceti Nistrul. German. 1. Aufl. ed. 1995,
Konstanz: Hartung-Gore. 233 p.
34. Shachan, A., Burning ice : the ghettos of Transnistria / Uniform
Title: Ba-kefor ha-lohet. English. East European monographs ;; no.
447;. 1995, Boulder : East European Monographs: New York. xii, 510 p.
35. Yuran, Y.a., Gan `Eden shel "shotim" : sipur mishpahah
mi-derom-Bukovinah veha-gerush le-Transnistriyah. 1995, Tel-Aviv:
ha-Mehaber. 144 p.
36. Carp, M., Cartea neagra : suferintele evreilor din Rom×nia,
1940-1944. Ed. a 2-a. ed. 1996, Bucuresti: Editura Diogene.
37. Gold, R.G., Ruth's journey : a survivor's memoir. 1996,
Gainesville: University Press of Florida. xvi, 293 p.
38. Katz, I., Hell beyond the Dniester : Transnistria remembered : a
commemorative anthology. 1996, Toronto: Transnistria Survivors of
Toronto. ca. 140 leaves.
39. SchÄchter, K., Woss ich hob durchgelebt = Was ich durchgemacht
habe : Brief einer JØdin aus der Bukowina verfasst in Transnistrien
1943. 1. Aufl. ed. 1996, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre. 133 p.
40. Shachan, A., Burning ice : the ghettos of Transnistria. East
European monographs ;; 447; Variation: East European monographs ;;
447. 1996, Boulder : East European Monographs: New York. xii, 510 s.
41. VÃlkl, E., Transnistrien und Odessa (1941-1944). Schriftenreihe
des Osteuropainstituts Regensburg-Passau ;; Bd. 14;. 1996, KallmØnz:
Lassleben. 123 p.
42. Braham, R.L., The destruction of Romanian and Ukrainian Jews
during the Antonescu era. East European monographs ;; no. 483; East
European monographs.; Holocaust studies series;. 1997, Boulder :
Social Science Monographs: New York. xvi, 413 p.
43. Carmelly, F., Shattered! 50 years of silence : history and voices
from the tragedy in Romania and Transnistria. 1997, Scarborough, Ont.:
Abbeyfield Publishers. xxvi, 506 p.
44. Jagendorf, S.H.-M.A., Minunea de la Moghilev : memorii 1941-1944 /
Uniform Title: Jagendorf's foundry. Romanian. 1997, Bucuresti: Editura
Hasefer. 246 p.
45. Krasnoshtan, I., Pod zvezdoi Davida i trizubom Vladimira :
dokumental'noe povestvovanie s otstupleniiami i razmyshleniiami. 1997,
Edmonton, Kanada: E. Krasnoshtein. 490 p.
46. Levit, I.E., Ashes of past beat into our hearts : holocaust. 1997,
Chisinau: Jewish Cultural Society of the Republic of Moldova. 16 p.
47. Roter, A.Y.y., Sefer Sha`are Aharon : ha-hester veha-gilui : yoman
ishi mi-tekufat ha-Shoah `al mahanot ha-hashmadah be-Trans-Nistriya /
Uniform Title: Sha`are Aharon (Hester veha-gilui). 1997, Bene Berak:
A.Y. Roter. 8, 216 p.
48. Siperco, A., Crucea Rosie Internationala si Rom×nia Ïn perioada
celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial : 1 Septembrie 1939-23 August 1944 :
prizonierii de razboi anglo-americani si sovietici : deportatii evrei
din Transnistria si emigrarea evreilor Ïn Palestina Ïn atentia Crucii
Rosii Internationale. Biblioteca de istorie contemporana a Rom×niei;
Variation: Biblioteca de istorie contemporana a Rom×niei. 1997,
Bucuresti: Editura Enciclopedica. 301 p., [16] p. of plates.
49. Terner, Z., Transnistria the hell. 1997, Waltham, MA : National
Center for Jewish Film.
50. Ancel, J.U.D., Transnistria. Colectia Destine; Publicatii ale
Institutului de Cercetare a Diasporei ;; v. 128; Variation: Pirsume
ha-Makhon le-heker ha-tefutsot ;; sefer 128. 1998, Bucuresti: Editura
51. Bartfeld-Miron, Y.d., Yeti : yoman ahavah be-Transnistriyah. 1998,
[Tel Aviv]: `Eked. 125 p.
52. Binder, H., Aufzeichnungen aus Transnistrien : (September-Dezember
1942). VerÃffentlichungen des SØdostdeutschen Kulturwerks.; Reihe C,;
Erinnerungen und Quellen ;; Bd. 18;. 1998, MØnchen: Verlag
SØdostdeutsches Kulturwerk. 121 p.
53. Sushon, L., Transnistriia : evrei v adu : chernaia kniga o
katastrofe v Severnom Prichernomor'e (po vospominaniiam i dokumentam).
1998, Odessa: RIO AO Kinokompaniia "IUg". 430 p., [16] p. of plates.
54. Govrin, Y., Be-tsel ha-avadon : zikhronot `al Transnistriyah
ve-`al ha-ha`palah le-Erets-Yi'srael. 1999, [Lohame ha-Getaot] : Bet
Lohame ha-getaot: [Yerushalayim]. 114 p.
55. Melzer, J., ha-Masa` shel Yanko : mi-Ts'ernovits, derekh
Transnistriyah, li-Yerushalayim : 1941-1946. 1999, Kibuts Daliyah:
Hotsaat "Ma`arekhet". 222 p.
56. Horowitz, B.H.L., E. Pomeranz, and E.R. Wiehn, Stimmen der Nacht :
Gedichte aus der Deportation in Transnistrien 1941-1944. 1. Aufl. ed.
2000, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre. 84 p.
57. Roter, A.Y.y., Concealment & revelation : a personal account of
the Second World War (part I) : with commentary on the Holocaust (part
II) / Uniform Title: Sha`are Aharon (Hester veha-gilui). English.
2000, Bnei Brak: A.Y. Roter. xiii, 490 p.
58. Toma, S., Cum am supravietuit holocaustului in Ucraina (1941-1943)
: intalnirile mele : (amintiri-reportaj). 2000, Netanya: S. Toma. 68
59. Verenca, O.A.S., Administratia civila rom×na Ïn Transnistria :
1941-1944. Ed. a 2-a. ed. Fapte, idei, documente; Variation: Colectia
Fapte, idei, documente. 2000, Bucuresti: Editura Vremea. 399 p.
60. Dusman, L., Pomni! : Ne povtori! 2001, Odessa: Druk. 371 p.
61. Hausleitner, M., B. Mihok, and J. Wetzel, RumÄnien und der
Holocaust : zu den Massenverbrechen in Transnistrien 1941-1944.
Nationalsozialistische Besatzungspolitik in Europa 1939-1945,; 10;.
2001, Berlin: Metropol. 180 p.
62. Koller, M., Surviving Transnistria : an autobiographical account.
2001, [S.l.: Mark Koller. 39 p.
63. Melzer, J.J.I.W.E.R., Jankos Reise : von Czernowitz durch die
transnistrische Verbannung nach Israel 1941-1946 / Uniform Title:
Masa` shel Yanko. German. 1. Aufl. ed. 2001, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre.
237 p.
64. Rozen, M., 60 de ani de la deportarea evreilor din Rom×nia Ïn
Transnistria. 2001: Bucuresti Ed. Matrix Rom. 85 S.
65. Braham, R.L., Exterminarea evreilor rom×ni si ucraineni Ïn
perioada antonesciana. 2002, Bucuresti: Hasefer. 464 p.
66. Golbert, R.L., Holocaust sites in Ukraine : the politics of
memorialization. 2002, Washington, D.C.: National Council for Eurasian
and East European Research. iii, 31 p.
67. Govrin, Y., In shotn fun umkum : zikhroynes vegn Transnistriye un
der alie keyn Erets-Yisroel / Uniform Title: Be-tsel ha-avadon.
Yiddish. 2002, Tel Aviv: Farlag Y.L. Perets. 144 p.
68. Zapruder, A., Salvaged pages : young writers' diaries of the
Holocaust. 2002, New Haven: Yale University Press. xviii, 481 p.
69. Ancel, J., Transnistria, 1941-1942 : the Romanian mass murder
campaigns / Uniform Title: Transnistria. English. Publications of the
Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center ;; bk. 157-159; Variation:
Pirsume ha-Merkaz le-heker ha-tefutsot `a. sh. Goldshtain-Goren ;;
sefer 157-159. 2003, Tel Aviv: Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research
Center, Tel Aviv University.
70. Ancel, J., Transnistria, 1941-1942 / Vol. 1. History and document
summaries. Publications of the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research
Center ;; 157; Pirsume ha-Merkaz le-Heker ha-Tefutsot `al-shem
Goldshtain-Goren ;; 157; Variation: Publications of the
Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center ;; 157.; Merkaz le-Heqer
hat-TefÙsÆt `A "S Goldstayn-GÆren <Tel-AvÏv>; Pirsume ha-Merkaz
le-Heker ha-Tefutsot `al-shem Goldshtain-Goren ;; 157. 2003, Tel-Aviv:
Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center. 860 S.
71. Ancel, J., Transnistria, 1941-1942 / Vol. 2. Documents 1- 558.
Publications of the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center ;; 158;
Pirsume ha-Merkaz le-Heker ha-Tefutsot `al-shem Goldshtain-Goren ;;
158; Variation: Publications of the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research
Center ;; 158.; Merkaz le-Heqer hat-TefÙsÆt `A "S Goldstayn-GÆren
<Tel-AvÏv>; Pirsume ha-Merkaz le-Heker ha-Tefutsot `al-shem
Goldshtain-Goren ;; 158. 2003, Tel-Aviv: Goldstein-Goren Diaspora
Research Center. 1044 S.
72. Ancel, J., Transnistria, 1941-1942 / Vol. 3. Documents 559-1109.
Publications of the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center ;; 159;
Pirsume ha-Merkaz le-Heker ha-Tefutsot `al-shem Goldshtain-Goren ;;
159; Variation: Publications of the Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research
Center ;; 159.; Merkaz le-Heqer hat-TefÙsÆt `A "S Goldstayn-GÆren
<Tel-AvÏv>; Pirsume ha-Merkaz le-Heker ha-Tefutsot `al-shem
Goldshtain-Goren ;; 159. 2003, Tel-Aviv: Goldstein-Goren Diaspora
Research Center. S. 1045-2093.
73. Saldinger, E.S., From Transnistria to Israel : a study of Yaakov
Friedman'sTransnistrian poems, and their reflection in his literary
work after the Holocaust. 2003, Jerusalem: Stadler Memorial fund.
xxii, 501 p.
74. Sela-Saldinger, E.F.J., Mi-Transnistriah le-Yisrael : `iyun
bi-yetsirot Ya`akov Fridman meha-Shoah va-ahareha. 2003, Yerushalayim:
E. Sela`-Saldinger, Place: Israel; Jerusalem. 12, 501, 22 p.
75. Children and the Holocaust : symposium presentations. 2004,
Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum. vii, 139 p.
76. Achim, V. and Hrsg, Rom×nia si Transnistria problema Holocaustului
; perspective istorice si comparative. 2004: Bucuresti Curtea Veche.
376 S. 20 cm.
77. Baum, H., Besatzung und Verwaltung in Transnistrien 1941-1944 :
das Handeln und Zusammenwirken rumÄnischer und deutscher Stellen.
2004. p. 136 leaves.
78. Hilsenrath, E., Nacht : roman. Texte aus der Bukowina ;; Bd. 21;.
2004, Aachen: Rimbaud. 468 p.
79. Kalmanoivts, S., Yetomat mahaneh rikuz Transnistriyah. 2004,
Tel-Aviv: Defus Ayelet. 58 p.
80. Rozen, M., The Holocaust under the Antonescu government :
historical and statistical data about Jews in Romania, 1940-1944. 3rd
, rev. and complet ed. 2004, Bucharest: A.R.J.V.H. 134 p.
81. Solovei, R., Activitatea Guvernam×ntului Transnistriei Ïn domeniul
social-economic si cultural : 19 august 1941-29 ianurie 1944. Colectia
Istorie ;; 7; Variation: Colectia Istorie (Iasi, Romania) ;; 7. 2004,
Iasi: Casa Editoriala Demiurg. 182 p.
82. Zapruder, A., Salvaged pages : young writers' diaries of the
Holocaust. Yale Nota bene;. 2004, New Haven: London. xviii, 481 p.
83. Bankier, D., The Jews are coming back : the return of the Jews to
their countries of origin after WW II. 2005, New York : Berghahn
Books: Jerusalem. xi, 320 p.
84. Browning, C.R., Ghettos 1939-1945 : new research and perspectives
on definition, daily life, and survival : symposium presentations.
2005, Washington, D.C.: Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum. iv, 161 p.
85. Grin, H., Meha-gehinom 1941-1944 ke-Erets Yisrael va-hazarah 2001.
2005, [Hefah]: [Hayim Grin]. 184 p.
86. Kalmanovits, S., An orphan of the Transnistria concentration camp
/ Uniform Title: Yetomat mahaneh rikuz Transnistriyah. English. 2005,
Israel: [Sarah Kalmanovich]. 89 leaves.
87. Kaufman, L.M.S., Live! Remember! Tell the world! : the story of a
hidden child survivor of Transnistria. 1st ed ed. ArtScroll history
series; ArtScroll series;. 2005, Brooklyn, NY: Mesorah Publications.
251 p.
88. Mihai Cioaba, L.T.G., Deportarea Ïn Transnistria : marturii. 2005,
[Sibiu]: Editura Neo Drom. 55 p.
89. Shai, D., 15 mi-kol 100 sardu : mi-zikhronotav shel tsa`ir Yehudi
be-Transnistriyah. 2005, Tel Aviv: Kidum ma`arakhot hinukh, Place:
Israel; Tel Aviv. 310 p.
90. Siperco, A., Holocaust Ïn Rom×nia : soarta evreilor din Basarabia,
Bucovina si Transnistria 1941-1942 : documente. 2005, Bucuresti:
Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti. 245 p.
91. Ephrati, I., Yeled lo hayiti. 2006, Kefar Sava: Yisrael Efrati. 116 p.
92. Gesin, M., The destruction of the Ukrainian Jewry during World War
II. 2006, Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press. ix, 263 p.
93. Neuman, S., Yaldut be-mamlekhet ha-navet - shoat Transnistriyah :
zikhronot bi-khetav uve-tsiyur. 2006, [Hefah]: [Shoshanah Noiman]. 166
94. Palty, S., Evrei, treceti Nistrul! Colectia Remember ;; 27;
Variation: Remember ;; 27. 2006, Cluj-Napoca: Dacia. 208 p.
95. Shai, D., 15 mi-kol 100 shardu : mi-zikhronotav shel tsa`ir Yehudi
bi-Transnistriyah. Mahad. 2. ed. 2006, [T.A. z.o. Tel Aviv: Hotsaat
"Kidum ma`arkhot hinukh". 318 p.
96. Shai, D., Shoat Yehude Tsefon Bukovinah : ha-Kehilot ve-hurbanan :
retsah u-kheliat ha-Yehudim ba-getaot : Tsa`adat ha-mavet
li-Transnistriyah, Yuli-Oktober 1941. 2006, Tel-Aviv: Be-hotsaat
ha-Irgun ha-`olami shel Yehude Bukovina. 616 p.
97. Solomovici, T., Istoria Holocaustului din Rom×nia : Transnistria
si Transilvania de Nord. 2006, Bucuresti: Editura Tesu. 373 p.
98. Steinhart, E.C. The Transnistria's ethnic Germans and the
Holocaust, 1941-1942. [Book; Internet Resource Date of Entry:
20080916] 2006 [cited; iv, 103 p. Dissertation: Thesis
(M.A.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006.].
99. Govrin, Y. In the shadow of destruction : recollections of
Transnistria and illegal immigration to Eretz Israel, 1941-1947 /
Uniform Title: Be-tsel ha-avadon. English. Library of Holocaust
testimonies,; [Book; Internet Resource Date of Entry: 20070526] 2007
[cited; xv, 120 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.].
100. Politis, T.K.S., Sipur korot hayeha shel Sarah Kalmanovits'
u-vene mishpahtah, ha-`ir Ts'ernovits' u-getaot Transnistriyah. 2007,
[Israel]: [h. mo. l.]. 102 leaves.
101. Holocaust memory and antisemitism in Central and Eastern Europe :
comparative issues : international conference, Bucharest, May 14,
2007. 2008, [Bucharest]: "Elie Wiesel" National Institute for the
Study of the Holocaust in Romania. 212 p.
102. Ancel, J., Transnistria, 1941 - 1942 the Romanian mass murder
campaigns. 2008: Tel-Aviv Goldstein-Goren Diaspora Research Center. 24
103. Brandon, R.L.W. The Shoah in Ukraine : history, testimony,
memorialization. [Book; Internet Resource Date of Entry: 20070920]
2008 [cited; ix, 378 p. : ill., maps ; 27 cm.].
104. Lemberger, T., ha-Yamim enam holfim be-rega` : yaldut avudah
be-Transnistriyah. Be-guf rishon;. 2008, Yerushalayim: Yad va-shem.
139 p.
105. Meller-Faust, H.I.S.A.D., Copii evrei Ïn Transnistria 1941-1942 :
unitate de Ïnvatare pe tema Holocaustului : manual pentru elevii.
2008, [Jerusalem]: Yad Vashem, Scoala internationala de Predare a
Holocaustului. 64 p.
106. Neuman, S., Yaldut be-mamlekhet ha-mavet, shoat Transnistriyah :
zikhronot bi-khetav uve-tsiyur. 2008, [Hefah] : Shoshanah Noiman. p.
172 p. : ill., facsims., map ; 29 cm. + 1 computer-disc (ill. ; 4 3/4
107. Porat, D., Israeli society, the Holocaust and its survivors.
2008, London: Portland, OR. xii, 459 p.
108. Shytiuk, M.M.S.k.N.V., Henotsyd proty ievreÐv PivdennoÐ UkraÐny v
roky nimets'ko-rumuns'koÐ okupatsiÐ (1941-1944 rr.). 2008, MykolaÐv:
[s.n.]. 153 p.
109. Arad, Y., The Holocaust in the Soviet Union. The comprehensive
history of the Holocaust; Variation: Comprehensive history of the
Holocaust. 2009, Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press: Jerusalem.
xvi, 700 p.
110. Benz, W.M.B., Holocaust an der Peripherie : Judenpolitik und
Judenmord in RumÄnien und Transnistrien 1940-1944. Reihe Dokumente,
Texte, Materialien ;; Bd. 73;. 2009, Berlin: Metropol. 261 p.
111. Benz, W.M.B., Holocaustul la periferie : persecutarea si
nimicirea evreilor Ïn Rom×nia si Transnistria Ïn 1940-1944. Colectia
Cartier istoric;. 2009, Chisinau: Cartier. 383 p.
112. Carp, M.L.-L.A., Cartea neagra : le livre noir de la destruction
des Juifs de Roumanie (1940-1944) / Uniform Title: Cartea neagra.
French. 2009, [Paris]: DenoÌl. 706 p., [48] p. of plates.
113. Jagendorf, S.H.-M.A., Das Wunder von Moghilev : die Rettung von
zehntausend Juden vor dem RumÄnischen Holocaust. 2009, Berlin:
Transit. 205 p.
114. Kahana-Aufleger, L.W.E.R., Jahre des Kummers Øberlebt :
Czernowitz und die transnistrische Verbannung 1939-1950. 1. Aufl. ed.
2009, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre. 130 p.
115. Nidergofer, B., The path of death / Uniform Title: Doroga smerti.
English. 2009, [Israel: B. Nidergofer]. 145 p.
116. Schulmann, H., Hesed shel emet : `edut mi-getaot ha-mavet shel
Transnistriyah. Be-guf rishon; Variation: Be-guf rishon. 2009,
Yerushalayim: Yad va-shem. 230 p.
117. Sela-Saldinger, E., Hegyonot yatom Shoah : mivhar shire ne`urim
u-vaharut. 2009, Yerushalayim: Hotsaat "Tsur ot". 176 p.

On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 9:35 PM, Ervin Spinner <> wrote:
> Is there a good bibliography on the Holocaust in Transnistria.
> Ervin

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