Re: [Cz-L] Transnistria

From: Sylvie GSELL <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2011 09:46:48 +0100
To: I Vaisman <>
Reply-to: Sylvie GSELL <>

Dear Iosif,
Thanks for this bibliography.
Can you send me the articles and archives you have.
As my family was deported from Radautz to Moguilev, I am interested by
historical references.

Sylvie Reicher Gsell
172 rue Legendre
75017 Paris
00 33 1 77 12 38 05
00 33 6 09 98 52 70

2011/1/23 I Vaisman <>:
> Ervin,
> below is an incomplete bibliography on the Holocaust in Transnistria
> consisting mostly of academic monographs and survivors memoirs in book
> form (it does not include articles from periodicals and archival
> materials, I can send you some of those as well, if you need them).
> Iosif
> 1. š š šThe situation of the Jews in Transnistria. Reports on the Jewish
> Situation. Rumania ;; 2;. 1943: New York.
> 2. š š šOrnstein, F., G×nditi-va la tot ce s'a petrecut Ïn Transnistria
> (1941-1944). 1945, [S.l.]: Asociatia Fostilor Deportati Ïn
> Transnistria. 69, [18] p., [8] p. of plates.
> 3. š š šRudich, M., La brat cu moartea : vedenii din Transnistria. 1945,
> Bucuresti: Biblioteca "Hehalut". 110 p.
> 4. š š šCarp, M., Cartea neagra; suferintele evreilor din timpul
> dictaturei fasciste, 1940-1944. 1946, Bucuresti: Atelierele grafice
> Socec. v. illus. 25 cm.


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