Re: [Cz-L] insomnia

Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2011 14:52:23 +0200
To: Arthur von Czernowitz <>, Lucca <>

  With so many somnabulists it starts being crowded on the
   streets of nightly Czernowitz.
     Yesternight as I took my usual nocturnal walk on the Cz
   streets , down the Hauptstrasse I could see a shadow sneaking
    by , making it for the Oberjudengasse. Now I know
    who it was.
      And then on the Siebenburgerstrasse by the school ,
     by the school No 18 , who is that little kid trying to get in ?
      It is no longer safe to nightwalk the streets of Czernowitz.
        Soon well have a trafic jam.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur von Czernowitz" <>
To: "Lucca" <>
Cc: "Czernowitz List" <>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 10:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] insomnia

> Dear Lucca,
> I knew that we have lots of things in common and this in one of them. When
> =
> I=A0 have problems falling asleep, instead of tacking a sleeping pill, I
> cl=
> ose my eyes and start wandering in Czernowitz.
> I walk down the Siebenb=FCrgerstrasse pass my school, walk towards the
> Ring=
> platz, down the Pruthgasse all the way to the Pruth River.=A0 On the way
> ba=
> ck when I have to start the climb of the Bahoffstrasse I fall asleep.
> It works no sleeping pills.
> Arthur
> --- On Mon, 1/3/11, Lucca <> wrote:
> From: Lucca <>
> Subject: [Cz-L] insomnia
> To: "jerome schatten" <>, "'CZERNOWITZ-L'"
> <Czernowitz-L_at_corn=
> Date: Monday, January 3, 2011, 6:23 AM
> To-day I want to share a useful tip with you...
> I often have trouble fallingl asleep at night and the easiest remedy is of
> =
> course to reach for a sleeping pill. However, I discovered a much nicer
> cur=
> e lately.
> I close my eyes and start to roam the streets of my native city...I wander
> =
> along the Herrengasse and get to the salon where my mother used to have
> her=
> hair done while I waited along impatiently. It's an ugly kiosk now.I walk
> =
> down the Hauptstrasse and stop before the house where my piano teacher
> used=
> to live, sweet Hedy, whom I mostly loved but occasionally hated.
> I walk down the Hauptstrasse and get to the Oberjudengasse, my grandfather
> =
> had his house there, a small villa-like place with a yard. It disappeared
> s=
> ince then and made place for some ugly socialistic blocks.
> Oh, here I am in the Reitschulgasse, did someone really take riding
> lessons=
> on this hill? If not, why the name?
> How do I get to the Dreifaltigkeitsgasse where my best friend Clara used
> to=
> live? I would like to see the house where we shared our little girls
> secre=
> ts and exchanged romantic novels written by Hedwig Chourts-Mahler. Shall I
> =
> go back up or turn to the right or where?
> I somehow can't find my way, my eyelids get heavy and still before
> reaching=
> the Dreifaltigkeitsgasse I am finally asleep.
> I pick other areas every time, and please believe me, it works.
> Lucca
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