Hello Arthur and Luca,
About your "Naechtliche Spaziergaenge",as Hardy already mentioned
it starts to get crowded on the streets of our hometown. Fortunately
we don't have every night problems about getting asleep, and also each
of us has his preferences for the route taken.
Upwards the Bahnhofstrasse or Dreifaltigkeitsgasse would not be a good
idea for me to climb in order to fall asleep, the climbing effort always
wakes me up in dreams,so I prefer to stroll horizontally (admittedly a
difficult task in Czernowitz that was supposedly built on seven hills like Rome).
I usually follow the once trodden way to school, starting from Stefaniegasse corner
Mehlplatz, cross through the opposite courtyard,along the Stangerische Schiel direction
Franzensgasse,pass my Elite ex-school on Gregorgasse, pass my later home on Albertinengasse 3
down to No 16 (Prof Bong) and right corner down Dreifaltigkeitsgasse to corner Franzensgasse.
There visit 2 friends, and continue direction home. Never arrive there,either because falling
asleep like you do, or just passing on to other less clearer dreams.
Could we meet in one of the next nights on the Theaterplatz? I propose the bench facing the
JNH with its back to Schillergasse. To the left you will see on the theater roof the Aphrodite mentioned by Hardy,you can't miss the place, at least not in a day(better = einschlaf)dream.
Best somnambulist greetings to you all,
----- Original Message -----
From: Arthur von Czernowitz <vonczernowitz_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, January 3, 2011 14:18
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] insomnia
To: Lucca <lucca99_at_netvision.net.il>
Cc: Czernowitz List <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
> Dear Lucca,
> I knew that we have lots of things in common and this in one of
> them. When =
> I=A0 have problems falling asleep, instead of tacking a sleeping
> pill, I cl=
> ose my eyes and start wandering in Czernowitz.
> I walk down the Siebenb=FCrgerstrasse pass my school, walk towards
> the Ring=
> platz, down the Pruthgasse all the way to the Pruth River.=A0 On
> the way ba=
> ck when I have to start the climb of the Bahoffstrasse I fall asleep.
> It works no sleeping pills.
> Arthur
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