Re: [Cz-L] Dow askes

Date: Fri, 07 Jan 2011 15:33:01 +0200
To: dow friedman <>,

It was the No 3 Jewish school for boys corner Landhausgasse- Turkengasse.
  The road you crossed was the Morariogasse.
     The weapons you speak about : the Germans used the school as an
 army arsenal and the school was full of arms helmets and hand grenades.
   With the emigration of the jews there was no justification for a separate
   boy school so in 1945 we moved to the No 18 school together with the
     This is the school Arthur speaks about.
----- Original Message -----
From: "dow friedman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 1:54 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Dow askes

> When I came back from Transnistria I was 12 years old and studied in a
> Sovi=
> et-Yiddish school. I do not remember the street nor the number. I do
> rememb=
> er that it was near the Turckengasse because at the time we had army
> lesson=
> s. We marched down the Turckengasse, under the bridge and more below we
> cro=
> ssed a road (?) and exercized . We did wear some military items, raws of
> bu=
> llets on the shoulder=A0 and rifles with baionets.
> Dow
> Now a litle story:
> One=A0day the teacher of science (?) was explaining that there is no God.
> T=
> his made me feel very angry. With some colegues we did put on the military
> =
> garments with rifles and baionets and into the classroom we=A0enter to
> "con=
> vince" our teacher that God exists.
> =A0I allways wandered why we were not expeled from the school.

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