Essigsaure Tonerde came in oversize pill form an inch in diameter
and half an inch thick.
It was dissolved in a pail of lukewarm water and then a bed sheet was
immersed and wrung out then applied as a Fatschen (compress)
on the affected spot,
It was used against inflammation, insect stings , infections, leisures,
and all other thinkable Zures. Very effective.
It was an acetate and smelled like vinegar.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "HARDY BREIER" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 7:53 PM
Subject: Bathing salts sold in Czernowitz
Hardy has added a copy of a newspaper advertisement for "Schmiedt and
Fontin" on Picasa Web Albums. Even though I do not remember this shop,
I was curious to see what they sold. Among others they sold the following
bathing salts:
Schwefelbäder (sulfur-bath), Eisenkugeln (balls of iron), Soda (I do not
know whether washing soda or baking soda), Eichenrinden (oak bark),
Meersalz (sea salt), Fichtennadeln (Fir tree needles), Badeextrakt (Bathing
extract), Franzensbäder (?), Eismoorsalz (?) etc.
Does anyone know or remember any of these additions to bathing water?
As my mother told me, I was a premature baby and because this was before
the use of incubators, they placed bottles of hot water around me. One
bottled opened, the hot water spilled on me and burned me. Because
antibiotics had as yet not been invented, I had to be bathed twice a day;
once in a weak solution of potassium hypermanganate and once in water in
which had been soaked a cloth bag of wheat-bran. Well - I survived.
I also remember the use of something called "Essig saure Ton-Erde".
I do not know what it was used for, but I liked the name and remember it.
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