I think there is a mistake some of our corespondents make about Traian Popovici.
His major contribution to Cz. Jewry was not the authorizations he gave out in his name. It is that in his role of mayor he (with probably the help of the Metropolit and the Queen) convinced the authorities in Bukarest that the Jews were needed for the war effort and thus should stay and work in the town. Of course only a very small minority was really needed for work, but the 19500 that got one or another sort of authorization were not deported to Transnistria in autumn 1941 and it is more then probable that a majority of them would not have come back. Like unfortunately a majority of the deported.
We know that Traian was forced to resign after a time from his office because of his attitude towards
the Jews and we also know that he personally did not gain anything material from his deeds. Others around him did.
Although I think that a picture about him might not be the right way to reconstruct our history it would
be a mistake to underrate the effect his deeds had for many of us. I know I might not be alive to-day if he had not acted as he did.
----- Original Message -----
From: Emil Hitzig <emilhg_at_013.net>
Date: Friday, January 14, 2011 19:33
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Call for Survivors thanks to Popovici!
To: 'HARDY BREIER' <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, 'veni vici' <venivici_at_inbox.com>, 'Czernowitz Genealogy and History' <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
> Dear movie makers,
> Despite of getting a such authorization, my family spend the long
> journey in Obodovca (Transnistria).
> When the drunk Romanian gendarmes pickup my family from our
> apartment in a late Friday afternoon, the authorization was helpless.
> People not holding such authorizations, usually left their houses
> by hiding far from the Jewish quarter.
> In the heritage of my family I'm holding such authorization. This
> was the authorization no: 10287 and was nothing worth, perhaps for
> a fake story.
> I'm in doubt of the: "TWENTY TWO THOUSAND SAINTS". This number is
> highly exaggerated.
> Obviously the entire saga of saving Jewish lives during the
> holocaust is more a legend, then reality.
> Before someone will elaborate the script for this movie, please try
> to find out the real number of Survivors thanks to Popovici
> authorization.Don't glide to political amplifications such". There
> were people of character during the Inquisition and during various
> revolutions.
> The Righteous Among the Nations as recorded by Yad Vashem were
> found in 44 countries. There were even Muslims who saved Jewish
> lives".If you found a potential co-producer in Romania (make
> sense), this will serve the actual Romanian authorities to clear
> their ancestors from the ROMANIAN HOLOCAUST.
> From Andy Halmay's statement:
> Telefilm Canada, that there had been a problem in Romania s
> counterpart to Telefilm and that we were not to initiate any co-
> productions with Romania.
> Finally this is not a grain of doubt, it is a heavy stone.
> Don't mislead people that experienced this hardship, by involving
> Schindler, Spielberg, and Dustin Hoffman.
> Best regards,
> Emil Hitzig
> P.S. If there are people saved thanks to Popovici authorization,
> please rise up.
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