Re: [Cz-L] Call for Survivors thanks to Popovici!

Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 15:08:32 +0200
To: Abraham Kogan <>, 'Miriam Taylor' <>, 'Emil Hitzig' <>, 'veni vici' <>, 'Czernowitz Genealogy and History' <>

By the time they started the authorizations 10,000 or more were deported
 already . Did they have lists of the deported ?
   That means that half of the left would stay.
   Popovici got 4 days for composing the list.
    Real needed specialists there were maybe a few hundred ,many
    already gone to Transnistria .
     How can you compose a list of 20,000 "specialists" ?
    The writing alone needed all available clerks of the magistrat.
    Did the Jewish Kultus Gemeinde have a hand in the choice ?
     There must have been a big mess in the City Hall.
     Issuing boarding passes for Noah's Ark Czernowitz style.
     This alone can make a movie.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Abraham Kogan" <>
To: "'HARDY BREIER'" <>; "'Miriam Taylor'"
<>; "'Emil Hitzig'" <>; "'veni vici'"
<>; "'Czernowitz Genealogy and History'"
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2011 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Call for Survivors thanks to Popovici!

> My guess is that Antonescu had originally imposed on Calotescu a limited
> number of authorizations. As a result of Popovici's travel to Bucharest he
> convinced Antonescu to increase the number and authorized him to select
> the
> so-called specialists needed to maintain the economy of the city
> functioning. Nevertheless, I'll double check my records and books.
> Abraham K.

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