Re: [Cz-L] Jobs/Trades Survey

From: Charles Rosner <>
Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2011 04:34:16 -0800 (PST)
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>
Reply-to: Charles Rosner <>

Hi Simon!
Concerning Kalmann (Kubi) Lackner, sorry I was mistaken: it’s not <Rechtssprecher>, but <Rechtshoerer>.
After some research, I understand that this is typical for Austria: it’s a kind of <stagiaire-student> already advanced in law studies and officially allowed to be present at court hearings. I don’t know of any equivalent in French or English.
In fact, Kalmann appears as <Rechtshoerer> in the 1909 Cz Directory, living Morariugasse nb 8, whereas his father Leib Lackner is listed as <Kaufmann> on nb 8b same street, a house I know he bought in 1904. In the 1927 directory, Leib (who died in 1926) is still listed as <comerciant> at nb 8b General Averescu (= Morariugasse) whereas Kalman appears as <functionar> at nb 8 Vasile Lucaciu. And in the 1936 directory, Leib is still (!) a <negustor> at nb 8b General Laverescu, while Kalmann remains a functionar on 78 str. Romana.
So, concerning Kalmann (Kubi) Lackner, the correct entry for your survey is <civil servant> I suppose.
Now, about Chaim Schmiele Rosner: All I know from my father is that his father raised horses in Wiznitz. It’s in the Ippens Addressbuch that he appears as <Fiakerhaelter>, meaning fiacre-owner. Whether somebody else drove it or whether he drove himself, I don’t know. But, you won’t find anyone listed as a simple <Fiakerkutscher>, not glorious enough: you have to be a Fiakerhaelter…
Therefore, concerning Haim Schmiele Rosner, I believe that the correct entry for your survey is <fiacre owner> (or even simply <fiacre>) I suppose.
Best Regards,

> Subject: [Cz-L]Charles' great uncle, a "Rechtssprecher"
> From: Kreindler Simon <>
> Date: Sat, 5 Feb 2011 20:30:16 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 16
> Thanks to all who have responded to the survey re
> Occupations and Trades. The list is growing and I urge those
> who are fence-sitting not to miss this opportunity to pay
> tribute to your ancestors.
> RE: Charles' great uncle, I appreciate the suggestions re
> the definition of "Rechtssprecher". In his inimitable way,
> Hardy's was particularly to the point - "there is no such
> thing."
> Charles, please offer an alternative if you can.
> Simon

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