New on the Website - 10 Feb.2011

From: jerome schatten <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 21:35:00 -0800
To: czernowitz-L <>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <>


I have added the Hebrew Map of Galicia and Bukovina to the Maps section,
and also the Romanian Street map that Edgar put on the Blog (Items 11a
and 13 respectively).

As well two new,very interesting old maps have been added to the Maps
1. A 1789 pictorial map of Bukovina (Item 14); and
2. An 1812 French map of the entire Austrian Empire (Item 15).
Both of these maps are from list member Jim Wald and are fairly large
Click on 'Maps' in the Menu at

The next item is a PowerPoint presentation of excellent photographs of
pre-WWII Poland (mostly Galicia, I think). Since many of us have roots
in that area, it's not such a stretch. The pps came by way of list
member Georgetta Iancu. I posted it temporarily at:
for those who might be interested. It's a quite large file and will take
a while to download. You will need either Microsoft Office installed or
the free PowerPoint viewer available at:
One note: For me, the slides did not change automatically -- I had to
use the spacebar on the keypboard to trigger the slide transitions. Well
worth the effort though; I think you will enjoy the photos. I plan to
remove this pps from the website in seven days so get it while you can.


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