Re: {Cz-L] Re: Czernowitz Ghetto Map

Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 07:08:51 +0200
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Marianne Hirsch <>

Here are the streets:
OCTOBER 11, 1941 before 6:00 pm
to move into one district which is bounded by the following streets:
  Patia Dacia, Eminescu Street, Petre Liciu Street, Sf. Treimii Street,
Bratianu Street, Prutului Street up to the train tracks and then along the
train tracks until they cut through Calicenanca Street and from there in a
straight line to Strada Pocutiei, Anton Silvestru until it crosses Elena
Doamna Street, Stefan Tomsa Street including the Jewish Cemetery,
Cimitirului Street until Romana Street, then Romana Street until Putnei
Street and from there in a straight line until the rail road tracks and
along the tracks to Petru Rares Street and then Petru Rares Street until the
street which lies between Wichenhauser Street and Maseranu Street, then
Strade Razboeni Street, Worobkiewicz Street, Marasesti, Gen. Averescu
Street, Sf. Nicolae Street, Gen Mircescu Street, Turcesca Street, a line
which runs behind the Lyceum and behind the Conservatorium from Gen. Prezan
Street through the Division Quarter which cuts Dr. Reiss Street, then the
Reg. Ferdinand Street beginning below PlatzKommando, Hormuzachi Street and
Piata Dacia.
Every Jewish resident can take with him: warm clothing and other types of
clothing, as much food as possible, that is, as much as each person can
carry, as much as is necessary for his establishment in the ghetto and for
the evacuation; no one will be allowed to ret
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "Marianne Hirsch" <>; "HARDY BREIER"
Cc: <>; "Merle Kastner" <>;
"Edgar Hauster" <>; "Peter Elbau" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2011 6:46 AM
Subject: Re: {Cz-L] Re: Czernowitz Ghetto Map

> Thank you Marianne and Leo, for including a map of the ghetto in your
> book,
> "Ghosts of Home" and for your willingness to share this map with all of us
> on the Ehpes website.
> Jewgenija Finkel is often inaccurate and her map is definitely so.
> I am very curious about the exact boundaries of the ghetto. The first or
> second time I returned to Czernowitz, I thought I recognized the building
> in
> which we had stayed in the ghetto. I do not know the exact address of this
> building, but as I remember its location, it is not within the boundaries
> of
> the ghetto in your map. Could you please write me, how I could obtain a
> copy
> of the decree of the establishment of the ghetto as published in the
> "Bucovina" of Oct. 11th 1941? So that I could see if the building I am
> thinking of was within the ghetto. Do you still have a copy?
> With advance thanks,
> Mimi

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