Re: [Cz-L] another thing

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 21:58:05 +0200
To: Kreindler Simon <>,
Reply-to: Hedwig Brenner <>

Hi Simon, I understand, that you, born In Czernowitz in the, can =
not understand what is "Ackerjude" you know was is an "Acker"? That is =
the field with seeding cereals...Ackerjude is a jewish peasant, who =
works on his own field, with a plough and perhaps without horse or ox...
in the "Ausgewaehlte historischen Schriften, eine Dokumentensammlung =
1807-1840, edited by the "Juedisch-historischen =
Czernowitz" a list of names from 1807 and" Ausweis ueber diejenigen =
Judenfamilien, die im Bukowiner Kreise Ackersleute mit Ende des =
Militaerjahres 1807 als tolerierte Juden mit den christlichen Gemeinden =
zur Rustikalsteuerzahlung beschrieben worden sind" on this lists I found =
the name of Abraham Langhaus, as single in Lenczeschti..which was a =
village, additional to Czernowitz..I believe,..the grandfather of my =
Please, translate this for the list....
than you asked me what is "Tricotagefabrik" that is a factory in which =
are done Jackets, Pullover, stockings, from wool or cotton
"Vitrineur" is a man who is responsable for the very attractive window =
display in the shops.
If I can find in my "balagan" (it is chaos) the "Historische Schriften" =
I will scan the list of Ackerjuden (jewish peasants) for Ehpes, there =
are many, many very common Czernowitzer familynames Bests regards and =
Shabbat Shalom=20
  pleas, Simon, translate these for the list...
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