Re: [Cz-L]Travel to Chernivtsi...

From: Ilana Gordon <>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 07:56:31 -0500
To: CZ-L Group <>
Reply-to: Ilana Gordon <>

HI Stephen,

I would add that you should contact Zoya Danilovich ahead of time. She is an
amazing person who helped me immensely. Since I had dates and names of my
relatives I sent all the information I had to her and when we arrived she
had contacted her friend in the archives and birth and death certificates
were waiting for us when we got there. Otherwise, we were given an
opportunity to peruse original birth records from 1820s looking for our

Zoya's email is: "Zoya Danilovich" <>

In addition, we brought little gifts with us that we gave to people who
helped us. It happened to be an election year so in the airport we picked
(we live in DC) some Obama pins and brought silver dollars. Funny that
people got more excited about the Obama pins that anything else. But it was
the gesture that was most appreciated. The archives charge a small fee but
we were so appreciative that we gave these gifts to whoever helped.

Best of luck,
Ilana Gordon

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:29 PM, Jordan S. Bernhard

> Dear Stephen:
> Regarding Mark Wiznitzer's postings -
> What HE said!!
> Good stuff which I've added to my transportation options section. Again, it
> is the personal recommendations from this list group which should prove
> most
> helpful to you, especially for a first trip into the region.
> JB

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