RE: [Cz-L] Waiting to get out of there.

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 13:20:12 +0000
To: 'Marianne Hirsch' <>, 'Miriam Taylor' <>
Reply-to: cornel fleming <> story is different.My father died in 1941(and I have just recently
located his grave). When the Russians arrived a Czech armoured train arrived
and was based in Czernowitz at the station. A number of the troops were
Jews,and one of the officers was Arnold Schwartz,from Bratislava. My mum got
to know him and they decided to get married...and when the train moved on my
mother and me had been added to the crew! Cornel

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Marianne
Sent: 13 March 2011 10:26
To: Miriam Taylor
Cc:; frieda tabak; Gaby & Mira Rinzler; asher
turtel; Lucca; Eytan Fichman; ina lancman
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Waiting to get out of there.

Dear all, Leo and I describe this period in some detail in Ghosts of Home.
In order to leave in 1945, people had to have papers proving they were from
Southern Bukowina or other areas of Romania. My parents managed to acquire
some valid papers belonging to a family who had been killed in Transnistria.
When they claimed the passes allowing them to cross the Romanian border,
they had to prove these false identities, all this under severe risk. They
got out via Siret, but the rest of the family stayed until 1946. In the
book, we speculate why the Soviets opened the borders in 46. We also tell
the story of some other families's departures. See also the memoirs of Pearl
Fichman, Hedwig Brenner and my father Carl Hirsch (available on

Thank you , MImi, for collecting these accounts which give so much depth and
texture to this very confused period.

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