Re: [Cz-L] Dermata on the Ringplatz.

From: Anny Matar <>
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2011 18:24:04 +0300
To: Berti Glaubach <>
Reply-to: Anny Matar <>

I agree with Berti. Most of you didn't know or don't remember Cz., you no
queues, NO ONE in the 30s. ever knew that! everything was available no need
to queue anywhere
Dermata was a huge shoe store and I got my shoes there. When I entered high
school I got (an unforgettable event!!!!) my first 5cm. heeled black shoes
there. Boy!! did I feel grown up!!
Shabbat Shalom, Shavua Tov,

On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 11:05 AM, Berti Glaubach <>wrote:

> This is not a queue for buying shoes on the Ringplatz between
> Herrengasse and Rathausgasse. People are too well dressed and mainly
> men.
> Looks like some event taking place on the opposite site of
> Rathausgasse at the Rathaus proper with the
> long queue backing up from there, across the street and may be further
> back.
> I guess period is 1920th and somebody important died according to the
> black people wear .

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