Hi Merle -
I am committed to returning to Vahkivtsi in 2012, so we may be crossing
Vashkivtsi (Vashkovitz) is about 45 minutes away, half-way between
Czernowitz and Wiznitz, which is also worth visiting to see the
relatively well-preserved (compared to Sadagora) buidlings, including
the only Yeshiva in the Bukovina, the Wiznitzer Rebbe's house, and the
mikve above the town that according to local legend was used by the
Baal Shem Tov. If you decide to include a stop in Wiznitz I can give
you contact information for Alexander Tausher, who lives there,
oversees Jewish landmarks in Vyzhnytsia raion and was of great help to
us in undertaking our Vashkivtsi cemetery clean-up.
Best regards, Mark
On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 7:06 PM, Merle Kastner <merlek_at_videotron.ca> =
> Dear Bukoviners,
> Two cousins and I are beginning to plan a trip to Bukovina in July, =
> following the IAJGS conference in Paris. =A0The conference will take
> place on July 15-18, 2012. =A0 http://www.iajgs.org/index.php
> If there is anyone who may want to join us, please contact me. =A0This =
> in the preliminary planning stages.
> Our main cities of interest are Radautz and Ciudei, but we want to =
> others in Bukovina, too. =A0And Czernowitz is on our list, too.
> Merle
---Received on 2011-03-14 07:53:35
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