RE: [Cz-L] Visit to Bukovina, Moldavia and Moldova - in 2012

From: ronald banner <>
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 12:38:52 -0700
Reply-To: "ronald banner" <>
To: "'Merle Kastner'" <>, "Lea Haber Gedalia" <>

Hi Folks,
My wife and I had planned a trip to Czernowitz and possibly would like to j=
oin the group going after the IAJGS conference.=A0 If you all wouldn't mind=
 if we met you in Czernowitz after the conference (which we will attend) we=
 would be most appreciative.
Ron Banner

--- On Mon, 3/14/11, Lea Haber Gedalia <> wrote:

From: Lea Haber Gedalia <>
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Visit to Bukovina, Moldavia and Moldova - in 2012
To: "'Merle Kastner'" <>
Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 1:32 AM

Dear Merle
Sounds to me as a good plan. I shall be in Paris and some cousins might joi=
me in traveling to Cz and surrounding.

Received on 2011-03-14 12:38:52

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