Hi, all,=20
My mother's parents lived in Novoselitz. It was a "shtetl" on the border
between Russia (Bessarabia) and Austria (Bukovina), some 28-30 km. from =
The majority of the population was Jewish. I was told that people used =
move freely between "Russisch Novoselitz" and "=D6sterreich Novoselitz".
Nowadays it is part of Ukraine.
Abraham K.
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-9246871-3499314_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-9246871-3499314_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Steven =
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2011 4:06 PM
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History
Subject: [Cz-L] Response about Shimshon Fersht from Fanny Cooper
This response came to me from Fanny Cooper, nee Barth, re my posting of=20
Shimshon Fersht's Lexicon biography: She correctly notes that Novoselitz =
in Bessarabia at the turn of the 20th century (and is now in the =
but I wrote that it was in Bukovina. Actually what the bio says is that =
was in a Bukovina border village. Can that mean that it was in =
on the border of Bessarabia and Bukovina? I don't know this area=20
geographically, i.e. whether Bessarabia and Bukovina shared a common =
or not.
Here are Fanny's remarks:
To Steven Lasky, dear Steven,I am answering you and if you want, you =
put it on the List.
I knew Shamschel Ferst, when my Mother Z.L.and me went to Dorna.in 1938 =
we had Shamschel give a performance in a private home,and even though I =
very young I enjoyed his jokes
and songs.
We also used to buy the" Grager" every Purim and repeat his verses and =
songs.I remember" "Die Spies in Die Nudel" Also a small correction,=20
Novoselitz was in Besarabia,and many of the students from there, came to =
Czernowitz todo the Gymnasium.I wish I knew where to find his book or a =
of hissongs? Even with Yiddish letters but better in Latin.
Thanks for any information.
Yours Fanny Cooper born Barth.
Steven Lasky
blog: http://museumoffamilyhistory.blogspot.com
---Received on 2011-03-14 09:09:28
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