I am glad to find that you too remember Tereblesti. By the way, it has not
changed much in 66 years. You have now provided me with the reason
why we had to wait at the border, for such a long time. While we waited, my
parents and their friends rented a room from a Romanian peasant, built a
wooden platform and 18 people slept on it. Previously the peasant had used
the room to store manure.
On 3/16/11 6:54 PM, "gerhardrodica" <gerhardrodica_at_aol.com> wrote:
> My father was born in Russian Novoselitza. However there was across the
> an Austrian Novoselitza, as well.
> Leaving Cz. in 1945, there were (like in Romania, various "maklers" who
> arranged for a "propusk", obviously for money)
> We got ours, through bribing an official (a pair of leather boots). We
left on
> May 8-th, were held over in Tereblesti, because the Soviets (unlike the
> Western Allies) celebrated Victory Day on may 9-th, then there was
> National Day (Zece Mai), so we spent another night in Tereblesti. I
> when we crossed into Romania, we of course when being asked, stated that
> birthplace was far away from the worker's paradise, I think we said Bacau.
> Gerhard Schreiber
---Received on 2011-03-19 08:42:59
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