To Hardy, Anny and all other Czernowitzers:
In my opinion, WE ARE technically Czernowitzers.
Not from Cernauti, nor from Chernovtsy and not fron Chernivtsi.
Either we were born there, or our parents and grandparents were.
We were taught from early childhood the customs, manners, values
and everything which constitutes both culture and Culture, particular
to Czernowitz, as it was in the second half of the 19th century and
during part of the first half of the 20st.
We transmit our customs, values and manners to our children
and grandchildren and occasionally to perfect strangers with whom,
we come in cotact.
Quoting Anny Matar <>:
> If there'll be next generations continuing this exchange their topics
> be of their constantly changing worlds but, they'll remember that the
> who started it (grandparents / great grandparents) came from a world long
> forgotten but their memories and photo's can be found here wouldn't that
> great??
> anny
---Received on 2011-03-19 07:33:55
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