Andy, you may open your mouth as much as you like.
I am happy you found house you was born with help of street view.
Grand Mansion you say ,is the Tara of "Gone with Wind."
Dont listen to travel advice : If you handle street view well ,you are
there. Put some gipsy music on and fill your glass of vodka.
If you think you must touch and go in ,do it !
But remember , real life cannot beat street view.
It is shot by 8 syncromatic, GPS synchronyzed, high resolution
dynamic range , fish eye cameras mounted on a car.
And available in your home.
Go and beat this.
Except if you must touch and go in....
Here ends my barrage of rockets.
----- Original Message -----
From: "andy halmay" <>
To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History" <>
Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2011 3:22 PM
Subject: [Cz-L]Re: czernowitz-l digest: April 09, 2011
Oh-oh! Here is where I open my mouth when, perhaps, I shouldn't, but I've
got a
lot to say about the map, about Czernowitz, about all the rah rah over the
with four names - and I can sum it all up with one word: Oy!
On this marvel of technology I found the house in which I was born. To
accomplish this I studied another map that had Romanian street names. I
subscribed to the old adage of "When in Rome do as the Romans do." I didn't
know street names in German because they changed before I was born. I made a
sketch of the streets in my area, then compared the layout to that in the
with the Cyrillic font and found the grand mansion that my grandmother
I then recalled Florea Ursuleanu, our houseboy in Cz. Later, under the
Communists, he was sent back to school and became an engineer in
He had written me in the 1960s thirty years after we left. He needed to
some relatives in Cz and obtained a visa and, while in Cz, he looked up our
house. At that point there were over 40 people living in it and, he
not only had nothing been painted in the thirty years but nothing had been
I can say one very positive thing about this map that lets you tour a town.
has saved me a trip because I can think of hundreds of places that I haven't
seen that I would like to see instead. I have very pleasant memories of my
childhood but they involve people, not streets - and those people are no
in Cz.
I hate to tell you this but those of you who continue to gush over Cz have
fallen in love with an image of a town that never existed. R.I.P. Cz.
I'm already ducking because I expect a barrage of rockets but I had to say
For this ex-Czernowitzer it is Auf Nimmerwiersehn.
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