The gypsy music and vodka sounds good. Maybe some tzuica instead of the
vodka but the mansion I had in the image of my mind I see now has pedestrian
architecture and from the outside it looks half the size I recall (never mind
the physical deterioration) The grand chestnut trees on what I recall to have
been a boulevard, are gone. There is no boulevard, just a little strip of green,
maybe a widened road.
I bet if I went out to Tsetsinau today, the big mountains I recall from my kid
height would be little hills or bumps. Was it Faulkner who said, "You can't go
I recall my late father-in-law whose ancestors once owned hundreds of acres of
land which years later became part of the city of the Toronto. H had left
Toronto when
it was a town of a few hundred thousand and then came back to visit a city of
maybe four million and he got sick to look at what they had done to his town.
There was a TV actress in Los Angeles, I can't recall, she had a Spanish name.
An ancestor of hers was given a grant of land by the Spanish king which is today
Los Angeles and she lived in an apartment, couldn't afford a house. One
has to wonder how she felt - but at least they still speak Spanish and English
there, not Ukrainian which is written with funny looking hieroglyphics.
And Cornell, your analogy doesn't apply in my case. I didn't live in the
original Roman structures that are ruins today - though some days it may feel
like it. Come to think of it, I can appreciate Roman ruins better outside of
Rome, like those in Ceaseria, Israel, that are not surrounded by contemporary
city buildings, traffic, noises and smells.
That navigation map software should be of great help to travel promotion. And
it would never be a matter of not going to a destination because you've already
seen it on the map - it would be a matter of going to something you saw that you
liked. I didn't like what I saw. It depressed me.
My point is, that instead of saying our "home town" it would be more correct to
say "the town in which we were born." Let's ask Prince Mihai what he calls
Bucharest. He wanted to go back in the mid-1990s and they told him they didn't
want him. From all the wrestling it took with the town fathers of Cherschmitzky
to get the Popopovici plaque up, I conclude the locals feel the same way about
I had planned to film the Popovici film in Fundu Moldovei, in Cz, and in
Israel. For the film I'll have a statue built of Popovici with arms
outstretched, facing an adversary, shielding a family huddled behind him. I
meant to offer the statue to the folks who run each of the three locations but
recalling the whole plaque struggle and the recent cold shoulder by the
Ukrainian Film Commission to my queries, I'll skip filming in the Ukraine
And thanks, Peter, for the spelling help. I'm amazed that I even recalled that
expression. I think the last time I heard it was from dad in 1939 when we left
Cz. German has always tickled me - it's the only language that can glue enough
words into one to make a book.
I got off pretty easy this time... so far...
Zay gezunt, Everybody.
----- Original Message ----
To: andy halmay <andy_venivici_at_yahoo.com>; Czernowitz Genealogy and History
Sent: Sun, April 10, 2011 12:53:22 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L]Re: czernowitz-l digest: April 09, 2011
Andy, you may open your mouth as much as you like.
I am chappy you found house you was born with help of street view.
Grand Mansion you say ,is the Tara of "Gone with Wind."
Dont listen to travel advice : If you handle street view well ,you are
there. Put some gipsy music on and fill your glass of vodka.
If you think you must touch and go in ,do it !
But remember , real life cannot beat street view.
It is shot by 8 syncromatic, GPS synchronyzed, high resolution
dynamic range , fish eye cameras mounted on a car.
And available in your home.
Go and beat this.
Except if you must touch and go in....
Here ends my barrage of rockets.
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