Re: [Cz-L] Visit

From: Hedwig Brenner <>
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2011 17:16:11 +0200
To: Ilana Gordon <>, Cornel Fleming <>,
Reply-to: Hedwig Brenner <>

Hi Ilana,
In 2008 I met Edgar Hilsenrath in Berlin, my friend asked him by phone, =
if he would like to receive me...He agreed...
I read his book "Die Abenteuer des Ruben Jablonski," in which he =
described his return from Transnistria, Moghilev...I do'nt know if you =
read some of his books: "Die Nacht" about Moghilew, "Der Nazi und der =
Frisoer", and the book about the Armenians, like Musa Dagh...In =
"Abenteuer" I read that he lived 5 months in Czernowitz, at his cousin =
Binutza Ruckensten...wait a minute, Hedy, I talk to mysel, Binutza is =
the cousin of my late father, we went often to her in the =
Bishof-Hacman-gasse..before the war...So, at my visit to Edgar, we =
cleared our relationship.....
Concerning the story about Kaiser Franz Joseph l, I apologize for the =
mistake, it is not in "Abenteuer" I read it in another book, in which he =
wrote about the inn of his grandfather in Sadagura and the Kaiser..and =
the year, in the beginning of 1900....if you wish I have somewhere in =
my PC the story and I can copy it for you..interesting=20
and wonderfull described, but in german...=20
Bests reguards

From: Ilana Gordon=20
  Cc: Hedwig Brenner ; Cornel Fleming ; CZERNOWITZ-L=20
  Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 3:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Visit


  I love the story of the Kaiser and the Herring. You wrote 1945 which =
must be a mistake. What is the correct year? I'm giving a talk at my =
synagogue about Czernowitz and would love to repeat this story.


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