We had already some exchange previously
We share same name and same unending quest=E2=80=A6
You knew your father but I was spared the ghetto and the DP camp
My father left Cz in the mid 20=E2=80=99s as far as I know
[Please post in Plain Text --thanks]
De : philkatz27 []=20
Envoy=C3=A9 : mercredi 6 juillet 2011 21:50
=C3=80 : Alain Katz; 'Hedwig Brenner'
Cc :
Objet : Re: [Cz-L] Whitsun lottery 1933
Alain and Hedwig, each time I see the name Katz over the years I feel it =
necessary to always ask about my Father, Moritz (Moishe) Katz. He was =
an electrician by trade, owned a electrical repair/appliance store, was =
an avid football player, possibly on the Maccabees, and a motorcycle =
racer/enthusiast. So far I have hit no results, but that doesn't prevent =
me from asking again. I was born in Ccernowitz in September of 1941, we =
came to the US via Bukarest & Vienna (DP Camp) in April 1951. I know =
it's a long shot and I have asked the same question of the list for =
years, but one never knows.
Thank you both,
Phil Katz
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