Hi Theo,
The world is so small and thanks to the womderfull "masters" of Ehpes you
are ablle to find unexpected things...When I read your mail, I laught to
myself...I published in 1998 the first volume of my lexicon :Jewish women in
visual arts" and the biography of your late mother is inside... in the ends
of 1980 a neighbour, ,ms Susi Mehlmann, also from Czernowitz told me that a
old friend of her, Pearl Hessing is a very good naive painter, "put her in
your lexicon" said she, Accidantly, I found in London the album of Pearl,"A
mirror of my life" with
remarcable reproductions of her paintings, the Jewish world, their legends
and tales...My neighbour related me about the youth of Pearl, than, after
the WW2 they continued their friendship in Bacau.also ith your late father,
the phylosopher Siegfried Hessing..But she told me that the son of Pearl was
Leonard, or was she mistaken.?She died three years ago, at 92...
Bests regards
Hedwig Brenner
P.S. I sent 2 months ago the biography and some of her pictures to Edgar
Haustor, for his "On-line-gallery" about Bukovinian artists...
----- Original Message -----
From: "theo hessing" <theo_hessing_at_hotmail.com>
To: <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2011 12:49 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] UK Czernowitzers...
> Dear Czernowitzers=2C
> My name is Theo Hessing. I live in London=2C UK. My father=2C=20
> Leonard Hessing=2C was born in Czernowitz in 1931 to two Jewish parents=20
> Perle Hirsch and Siegfried Hessing. I discovered the
> http://czernowitz.ehpe=
> s.com/ website after=20
> attending a talk by Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer in London about a=20
> year ago for the publication of their book 'Ghosts of Home'. I am=20
> writing to you today in the hope of requesting some assistance. I=20
> have been interested for some time in finding out more about my family's
> history in Czernowitz=2C whether I have any remaining living relatives (I
> =
> know I have some distant cousins living in Tel Aviv=2C but I have no idea
> h=
> ow to contact them) or
> if there are individuals still alive who remember either my father or=20
> grandparents. However=2C it is not until now that I have had the=20
> opportunity to start researching in earnest. I am currently studying=20
> documentary film=2C and would like to make a short film about Czernowitz
> as=
> it=20
> exists in the memories of members of the Jewish diaspora living here in
> the=
> UK . This is especially important to me as I am no longer able to ask
> either my father or his parents about our own family history there=2C
> as=20
> they all passed away a number of years ago. I am not entirely sure yet=20
> of the exact scope of the film=2C nor its narrative=2C but I think
> these=20
> will become apparent as a result of talking to people here in London=20
> with a connection to Czernowitz. I would therefore be very interested to
> he=
> ar from anyone in the UK either whose parents lived in Czernowitz or=2C
> eve=
> n better=2C who themselves lived in Czernowitz. (Of course=2C if you do
> not=
> live in the UK but recognize the names 'Hessing' or 'Perle Hirsch' it
> woul=
> d also be wonderful to hear from you!)
> I would be greatly indebted for any assistance you could provide.
> Thank you so much. I look forward to hearing from you.
> Best wishes=2C
> Theo.
> [Theo: Please post in Plain Text -- instructions are in the footer of this
> message. This saves us editing time and avoids all the extraneous
> characters
> that appear in the message above. Thanks --the moderators]
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