[Cz-L] Re: The Massacre of Kyseliv on 07.07.1941 + Zastavna + Kitsman

From: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 22:28:19 +0300
To: Alti Rodal <altirodal_at_gmail.com>
Reply-to: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>

Dear Alti,

Thank you so much for your mail. Let me first come back to your questions.

No, I didn't contact Vasilena Ihorina Andrietz, due to my limited time frame.
Officially the monument hasn't been vandalized, but between the lines it was quite clear, that most probably (ignorant) adolescents are liable for the demolitions.
As officially the monument hasn't been vandalized, we don't know about the official reaction, but it was obvious to me, that those three people, which I mentioned, were clearly embarrassed and above all they were very cooperative; no reason for me to confront them with accusations, but to query the official version.
I'm not sure about the point, when and how the pieces of the plates re-appeared. Should it have been during my visit, then it would have been really very fast, so I guess, it may have been before.
The question, who placed the pieces back on the stone, is very thrilling in my eyes and I wish I had an answer.

Dear Alti, let me add - beyond your questions - the following points:

According to Ivan Solonenko, Mr. Fuchs, the Head of the Czernowitz Jewish Community, is informed/involved and the Archives (?) are working on the edition of a listing of the victims.
>From our point of view the costs for the replacement of the plates may be not substantial, not so from there position.
I'm subscribing to your statement word by word, except the evaluation of the support by the villagers, which according to my randomized "interviews" is not as strong as estimated.
You will know and decide on the further procedure, which depends on the target, you are planning to achieve. My guess is, that a villagewide solution may be more efficient than a nationwide or even international project, when it comes to the point of sustainability.

I do hope, I could - despite my limited English - add some aspects to this very sad issue.

Warmest wishes, still from Czernowitz (but just for a few more hours)!

Edgar Hauster
from Edgar's iPad

Am 17.05.2011 um 21:42 schrieb Alti Rodal <altirodal_at_gmail.com>:

> Dear Edgar,
> Warm thanks for visiting these sites, and for looking into what happened =
> with the Kyseliv/Borivtsy monument, and also for the photos.=20
> I have a few questions:
> Did you have a chance to try to reach my main contact in the villages, =
> Vasilena Ihorina Andrietz?
> Did anyone with whom you spoke suggest who might have vandalized the =
> monument, and why?=20
> Do we know anything about the reaction of the village administration or =
> the village priest, to this vandalism?
> Did the pieces of the vandalized plates re-appear during your visit or =
> beforehand?=20
> Do you have any idea as to when, and by whom, the pieces of the =
> vandalized plates were placed back on the stone?
> Of course I agree with your observation regarding the importance of =
> including villagers and local decision-makers in building and =
> maintaining such monuments. I thought that I had such support from the =
> village mayor who helped find the large red-stained stone for the =
> monument, and from the villagers who came out to participate in the =
> dedication in August 2001!=20
> I would like to communicate with Ivan Solonenko, Orisa Kusniryuk, and =
> Viktoriya Palagnyuk. However, at this stage, I have mixed feelings about =
> reconstructing this personal monument. My inclination is to advocate for =
> a larger-scale response, which would engage Jewish organizations, the =
> German government and Ukrainian authorities - in Kyiv and at the =
> regional and local levels - in a project to mark, consecrate and protect =
> thousands of such mass grave sites across Ukraine. We Jews have an =
> obligation to properly bury our dead. For contemporary Ukraine, this =
> would be a much needed step in coming to terms with a painful past. The =
> task and the challenges are great, but as stated in Pirkei Avot: "It is =
> not incumbent upon you to finish the task. Yet, you are not free to =
> desist from it."
> Edgar, I am very grateful to you for undertaking this journey and much =
> appreciate the reports on your blog. Are you considering writing a book =
> on your experiences?
> With very best regards,
> Alti

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