Re : [Cz-L] Kenehore

From: CHEMLA Anny <>
Date: Fri, 20 May 2011 12:45:17 +0100
Reply-to: CHEMLA Anny <>

Hello to all of you,

Its wonderfull to read all those stories. When I was a little girl my mother and grand mother were saying the tfu tfu tfu and put a red ruban on me againt the bad eye. I grew up under (in hebreu) BLI AYIN HARA (without bad eye) or AL TIFTAH PE LA SATAN (dont open your mouth to the devil). Today I still do the same for my children or grand children.
All the best and shabat shalom
Anny Schäfer Chemla

--- En date de : Jeu 19.5.11, HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET> a écrit :

> Objet: [Cz-L] Kenehore
> Date: Jeudi 19 mai 2011, 22h59
> Ethymology:
> From the Hebrew Ayn (eye) Ha-rah(the bad).
> from here the ashkenazi yiddish contraction Eynehore.
> The negation is yiddish : Kein or Ken (German keine)
> meaning -none.
>    The expression is a negation : You should
> not get a bad eye.
>       "Sollst nisht chappen Keynehore - Ken
> eyn hore or short " Kenehore ".
> Hardy
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