[Cz-L] Kuty, Wiznitz and Wizenka

From: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 00:07:40 +0300
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Edgar Hauster <bconcept_at_hotmail.com>


I'd like to draw your attention to two new postings, covering destinations of my ongoing motorcycle journey through Galicia and Bukovina, now online available at:


KUTY - Miriam Lava wrote to me: "Have you passed during your trip Kiselitze, Kuty and Putila? Kiselitze and Kuty are the birthplaces of my Rosner grandparents and their siblings. Both of them, Hendel and Josef Rosner lost their lives in Transnistria. My father was born in Putila..." (http://czernowitz.ehpes.com/stories/lava/lava.html).

WIZNITZ - Prof. Alfred Schneider wrote to me: "...My mother, Hedwig Schneider, died in 1930. Her gravestone, an obelisk type consisted of two black granite sctions, was made by Bernard Reder who engraved his name on the lower section. It was the first gravestone in Wiznitz to have a porcelain picture. My father Dr. Artur Schneider, died in 1938 and his gravestone, an exact replica of my mother's, was made by the Reder firm. I believe that Bernard may have left for France. The translation of the lengthy Hebrew inscription on my father's gravestone is: 'Generous soul, good heart, doer of good, modest spirit, doer of righteousness, honest. You were a doctor of the sick, and you cured many and suddenly, within a minute, you were cut down by death. Doctor Aron Schneider, son of Abraham Yitzchak, died 16 Kislev 5698. Rest here in peace, a precious soul.' During the war, the graves were vandalized and the gravestones were removed. In 1997 I communicated with the custodian (the father-in-law of the present one) and he located the upper sections of the gravestones and placed them on the graves, in a rather crude manner. My wife and I visited there in 1997. As you probably know, the founders of the Wiznitzer hassidic dynasty are buried at that cemetery. Incidentally, my father was the rabbi's and his wife's physician. If this letter reaches you in time, I shall appreciate hearing about your findings at the cemetery. Attached are photos of the graves before and after the war..."

Wizenka - As a city limit sign, you'll discover a Czernowitz postcard from the year 1902. Thirty years later, in August 1932, "Rose Ausländer reports on the Children's Holiday Colony in Vijenca" (http://ehpes.com/blog1/2010/08/09/rose-auslander-reports-on-the-childrens-holiday-colony-in-vijenca/). In the valley beneath the legendary Baal Shem Tov used to take a bath in the mountain river.

Did you know, that centropa.org coducted in the year 2003 an interview with Dr. Robert Walter Rosner from Vienna, born in Kisselitze - are you related? You'll get additional pictures from Kuty by separate mail.

I'll send additional pictures from Wiznitz (city and cemetery) by separate mail to you.

Edgar Hauster
from Edgar's iPad
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