Re: AW: [Cz-L] Kuty, Wiznitz and Wizenka

From: RUTH GOLD <>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 04:45:31 -0700
To: Edgar Hauster <>
Reply-to: RUTH GOLD <>


My father, Mendel Glasberg was born in Kuty, and I was born In Wiznitz. As a
child, I often visited Wizenka, therefore I am very interested in seeing the
pictures. Please let me know when that will be possible.

Thank you,

Ruth Glasberg Gold
20191 E Country Club Dr, #1802
Aventura, FL 33180 USA
T 305.936.9494
F 305.936.9992

From: Edgar Hauster <>
To: alexanderrosner <>; Alfred Schneider
<>; Miriam Lava <>; Jerome Schatten
Cc: czernowitz-L <>
Sent: Sat, May 21, 2011 4:50:21 AM
Subject: Re: AW: [Cz-L] Kuty, Wiznitz and Wizenka

Alexander and all...

During my visits in Kuty, Wiznitz and Wizenka, I took many pictures, i. e.

Kuty = 64 pictures, out of them 41 from the cemetery,
Wiznitz = 87 pictures, out of them 63 from the cemetery,
Wizenka = 52 pictures.

Depending on Jerome's opinion, we'll upload these pictures upon my return to
Germany/Netherlands by the end of the month to the Ehpes Cemeteries, Monuments &

Towns section.

Best wishes to all of you from Radautz!

Edgar Hauster
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