RE: [Cz-L] Richtige Czernowitzer .

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 13:28:19 +0100
Reply-to: cornel fleming <>

Hardy..I have no idea what language was spoken by your right eye...but the
rest of us spoke good Austrian German...with some variation which is why it
was Czernowitzer Deutsch, and it was recognised as a local variant as were
many other Austrian dialects. The teaching in schools and the University too
was in proper Austrian.And if my family members were still alive and heard
you say they spoke "make-believe German" there would quite possible be a
some fisticuffs,to say the least. Und Ich hab mein Deutsch in Czernowitz
gelernt...und kurioserweise verstehen mich die Wiener!!! Cornel

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of HARDY BREIER
Sent: 26 May 2011 10:10
Subject: [Cz-L] Richtige Czernowitzer .

"Those of us who were born in Czernowitz or Cernauti and spoke German
as our first language, are "Richtige, wirkliche Czernowitzer".
( proper, true Czernowitzer). We can be graded according to our degree of
conceit, but let's leave this to another time."
So writes Mimi,
  To this I say : We didnt speak German as our first language or second
or third.
   Simply because we didnt know German. Never learned at school.
   What we heard at home was make believe German.
     We read German- but speak ? With whom ? Other Czernowitzer who
  spoke just as bad. German is a very difficult language with a grammar
  which is impossible. By study and listening to proper language you
  can manage a command of it.
   We missed both .
    True Czernowitzer , real Czernowitzer as we were , German as
  spoken in Germany we did not.
    As much as we wanted to !
    So we were proper Czernowitzer , but as regards German Kultur
  we didnt have what to be proud of.
    Richtige Czernowitzer - my eye.
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