Andy , your post has more questions than answers.
Instead of illuminating it obscures.
No, we did not speak any Rumanian at home.
For the simple reason that we didnt know any.
We ,the kids, could sustain a simple discussion in Rumanian with
an impossible pronunciation. The parents not even this.
If your parents immigrated to CZ, with a Rumanian background
this can explain things differently.
But this would be an exception to the rule.
Yes, we switched to other languages whenever we needed vocabulary.
It also depended to whom we spoke...
We were always short of terms , as all the languages we spoke we
very rudimentary.( our experts of the list will jump at this).,
----- Original Message -----
From: "andy halmay" <>
To: "Czernowitz Genealogy and History" <>
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 4:14 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: May 26, 2011
> Regarding Cz German versus other German dialects, I always assumed that we
> =
> spoke "Hoch Deutsch" and all other versions were aberrations.=A0
> There is a woman from Berlin in my building in Toronto and her German to
> me=
> sounds like Cockney to Oxford in English or Brooklyn to Mid Atlantic
> Ameri=
> can. =A0
> In 1952 in Toronto, =A0having spoken next to no German =A0for ten years,
> an=
> Austrian actor, Joseph Furst, asked me if I could do a Viennese accent
> for=
> a radio show. =A0As all hungry actors would respond, I said, "Of course,"
> =
> because I needed the talent fees. Four of the cast of five were mature
> acto=
> rs from Vienna and I just emulated their dialect which I didn't find much
> d=
> ifferent from my own and I got through the show without any problems. =A0
> But all this conversation about qualifications for Cz ratings got me
> thinki=
> ng about how and what we spoke at home and I'm confused now. =A0I can't
> rec=
> all when I spoke German or Romanian. =A0I know in Scoala Elite all lessons
> =
> were in Romanian but we got German and French lessons, too. =A0In perhaps
> M=
> arch of '39, now in my first year of Lyceum, I was thrown out of school
> for=
> two weeks for slugging another boy. =A0(He slapped me first) =A0My
> punishm=
> ent may not have been for the violence but for the fact that as my fist
> fle=
> w at the other boy, it connected with the hand of a second boy who was
> hold=
> ing a jam sandwich that hit the newly painted wall and stuck to it, making
> =
> a mess.=A0
> At home we had already set the spring date for our emigration so dad,
> said,=
> "You don't need to go back to that Fascist school" and he got me a tutor,
> =
> a Mr. Hersonski, who provided better education in all subjects than I
> would=
> have had at the Lyceum. =A0But what bothers me now is, I can't at all
> reca=
> ll if Hersonski taught me in German or Romanian.=A0
> =A0I was on a plane once and a Spanish lady sat down next to me. =A0She
> had=
> a boy of about eight with her and when the kid spoke to her, he would
> slid=
> e from English to Spanish and back in the same sentence without being
> aware=
> of it. =A0Maybe we did something like that in Czernowitz. =A0Do any of
> you=
> have better memories about this? =A0Did we speak any Romanian at home?
> =A0=
> For instance, one of my best friends was a Romanian boy named Aurel.
> =A0Did=
> he speak German? =A0I can't recall. =A0Did we always converse in
> Romanian?=
> =A0=A0All my memories today are in English and it's quite
> confusing.=A0And=
> y
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