Hi Czernowitzer
It seems to me strange that you divide the Jews of Czernowitz in two
groups Bessere Leute and Schleppers, and you ignore that there were
also two groups of different cultural types: the religious or
traditional Jews versus the assimilated Jews, called the Daitschen,
who went to the Temple twice a year or to recite the Kadish, reading
from a prayer book printed with Latin characters.
Paul Heger
2011/5/30 HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_bezeqint.net>
> Czernowitzer Jews came in two layers:
> The "Bessere Menschen "the better people , so called sarcastically by the
> rest.
> The rest - the Schleppers. Not so well- to- do.
> The Bessere Menschen were rich, well educated , assimilated , conceited.
> Speaking good German, avoiding Yiddish, avoiding Schleppers.
> Well dressed , well fed, the cream of society.
> Uptown people.
> English lessons , piano lessons, beauty parlors , Schmettentorte, magnificent marble headstones .
> They despised the Schleppers , avoided them if possible.
> They were the top.
> The Schleppers were poor.
> All the Bessere Menschen were Schleppers initially.
> But this was time ago and better not mentioned.
> Hardy
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