Michael Surkis
116 Pinehurst Ave.
NYC. NY. 10033
Apt. D23
Those who knew the horrors of Transnistria owe a tremendous debt
to Ruth Go=
ld. It was Ruth=92s determination, energy and will that
brought about one=
of the final chapters of Transnistria - to be recognized by the
US Holocau=
st Museum. Ruth wrote to the ends of the earth to get
signatures and testi=
monials so one day Transnistria would appear in the Hall of
Remembrance in =
the Museum. On that special day hundreds of survivors including
my wife an=
d I, turned out to see the white cloth removed by Ruth. This
will remai=
n a constant reminder to the world about what happened at
Transnistria. Ru=
th, we can never thank you enough for all you have done for all
of us. =
Yasher Koach and best wishes
Michael (Mechel) Surkis
[Please post in Plain text, that will get rid of the formating
errors in your message. BTW you can see photos, documents and
Ruth's story about getting Transnistira recognized as a 'death
on our website at:
http://czernowitz.ehpes.com/stories/ruth-trans/ ]
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