Re: [Cz-L] Two memorials

Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2011 05:49:31 +0300
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Anna Kofner <>

Hardy does not interpret everything .
  Hardy finds and understands what he sees.
    Whenever you run out of arguments you get personal.
     This is not a Soviet monument ,it does not have the insignia
       or Russian text.
      The Soviet Union did not fight for independence.
        It fought for survival.

         I declare : Not everything done in thr Ukraine is done
      for antisemitic reasons.
        We are not that important.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "Anna Kofner" <>; "HARDY BREIER"
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2011 12:36 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Two memorials

> Looking at this memorial in Czernowitz, I am sure that Anna Kofner is
> correct; the memorial shows a soldier in uniform and the inscription
> reads:
> "Eternal glory for the Heroes who died in the battle for freedom
> and independence or our fatherland."
> It is not clear whether by fatherland is meant the USSR or the Ukraine,
> but it is in memory of THE HEROES and not in the memory of Ukrainian
> heroes,
> Soviet heroes, or NON-JEWISH heroes. This memorial is not dedicated to
> the Ukrainian underground fighters. Otherwise it would clearly say so.
> Hardy interprets everything done in the Ukraine or in Chernivtsi as being
> done for Anti-Semitic reasons. I disagree.
> Researchers from the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, told me that in
> Chernivtsi there are more reminders of Jewish life in that city, than
> there
> are anywhere else in the Ukraine.
> Mimi

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