Re: [Cz-L]Bucovina&Transnistria Exhibition in Bucharest Metro

From: jerome schatten <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 08:09:05 -0700
To: Emil Rennert <>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <>

Hello Emil... and thank you for the information on the photo exhibit in

Is there a possibility that you could supply some photos of the
exhibition so list members can get an idea of what is being displayed?

We can then post an album on the website so that all of our members
could see some of this very interesting work.


On Sat, 2011-06-11 at 14:21 +0200, Emil Rennert wrote:
> Dear Czernowitzers,
> >From today until the 30th of June you can visit our photo exhibit at
> Bucharest's Piata Unirii Subway Station. The exhibit is open to the
> travelling public of the Bucharest Metro. Exhibited are photographs from
> Shani Bar On and text panels on the Romanian Holocaust in Transnistria and
> the Jewish Bucovina. All texts are in Romanian and English.
> The exhibit is located on the upper walkway above the Platform of Line M1 &
> Line M3. This location is excellent in terms of passenger traffic since all
> people connecting from the Blue Line (M2) to the Red and Yellow lines
> (M1&M3) walk by our exhibit on the Romanian Holocaust and the Jewish
> Bucovina.
> While the photographs focus on remnants of Jewish life today, the texts of
> the exhibition provide general information on the Romanian Holocaust and
> tell personal stories of survivors of the camps in Transnistria. We try to
> reach out with this exhibition to the Romanian public and hope to further
> the interest and knowledge of young Romanians for this dark part of Romanian
> history.
> The exhibit is based on our photo/text book "The Jewish Bucovina - Clues"
> available on and
> All the best from Bucharest,
> Emil Rennert & Shani Bar On

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