Re: [Cz-L]Bucovina&Transnistria Exhibition in Bucharest Metro

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jun 2011 12:20:26 -0400
To: Emil Rennert <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

It is good to know that while the INSTITUTUL CULTURAL ROMAN, BUCURESTI
publishes books in which the Jewish presence in Czernowitz/Cernauti/
is not quite acknowledged, the Romanian authorities allow an exhibit
the Romanian Holocaust in Transnistria and the Jewish Bucovina to
take place
in a location in which it will be seen by thousands.

In my experience, visiting Romania many times and also, in
encountering Romanians
in the US, I have rarely met with open anti-Semitism, but I have
found young people,
quite ignorant of the treatment the Romanian government meted out to
its Jewish citizens,
in the provinces of Bucovina, Moldavia, Besarabia and Transnistria.
Even Romanians, now in their seventies are likely to claim that the
Romanian government
treated its Jews more humanely than did other countries.

This may be true for some Romanian provinces, but certainly not for
the Bucovina.

Thanks to Emil and Shani,


On Jun 11, 2011, at 8:21 AM, Emil Rennert wrote:

> Dear Czernowitzers,
> From today until the 30th of June you can visit our photo exhibit at
> Bucharest's Piata Unirii Subway Station. The exhibit is open to the
> travelling public of the Bucharest Metro. Exhibited are photographs
> from
> Shani Bar On and text panels on the Romanian Holocaust in
> Transnistria and
> the Jewish Bucovina. All texts are in Romanian and English.
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