I suppose a book can be judged both by what it contains as well as by
what it omits.
Also, the list of famous well known people from Bukovina seems long
because there is
a coma between the first name and the surname of the same person. For
the list of professors should be:
Felix Albrecht
Karl Gil
Daniel Goldhagen
Meinhard Meyer
Bruce Reisch
Harry Slochover
Shalom Spiegel
Ruth Wise
only 8 professors, not 16.
Omitted are:
Alfred Schneider
Erwin Chargaff
Francis Mechner
Gerhard Schreiber
Henry Sinnreich
Marianne Hirsch
and many others.
Among the painters, only Bernard Reder is mentioned and he was mostly
a sculptor. Avigdor Arikha is not mentioned.
We need to have someone write a book about Bukovina Jews.
The Romanians think we are not Romanians (we say so ourselves)
The museum of German speaking Jews, in Israel, does not include us
They think of us as "Ost Juden".
OK, very well, let's be content to be Czernowitzers or Bukoviner.
Considering that there were a few hundred thousand of them and only tens
of thousands of us, we did not do too badly.
On Jul 25, 2011, at 10:11 AM, Bruce Reisch wrote:
> Hi Cornel,
> Here is a list of Bukoviners included in the book (including
> several list
> members!):
> AUTHORS: Kissman, Joseph, Schaechter, Mordkhe,
> Schaechter=Gotessmann, Bella
> PROFESSORS: Albrecht, Felix, Gil, Karl, Goldhagen, Daniel, Meyer,
> Meinmhard, Reisch, Bruce, Slochover, Harry, Spiegel, Shalom, Wise,
> Ruth
> ACTORS: Ash-Furman, Chayale
> PAINTER: Reder, Bernard
> DOCTORS: Finger, Louis, Laub, Dori, Lehr, David,
> RABBIS: Nussbaum, Max, Rosenbaum, Meyer, Rubin, Moses, Schaechter,
> Melech,
> Schechter, Abraham
> THEATER OWNER: Loeb, Elias Moses
> PROFESSOR: Rodal, Alti Berthe
> DOCTOR: Anderman, Frederick
> INDUSTRIALIST: Ivanier, Paul
> Best wishes,
> Bruce
> On 7/11/11 7:22, "cornel fleming" <cornel.fleming_at_virgin.net> wrote:
>> Re the book "Salute to the Romanian Jews in America and Canada
>> 1850-2010
>> by
>> Vladimir Wertsman"
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