>From a post by Alexander Sharon in Sunday's Gesher Galicia Discussion
Group Digest:
"...Please refer to publication by John-Paul Himka, professor of
University of Alberta, the recognized and acclaimed authority on
Galicia and Bukovina history.
His publication "Galicia and Bukovina. A research handbook about
Western Ukraine, late 19th-20th centuries" is available on-line: "
--- This might prove useful to some Czernowitz-L members as an 'almanac' type fact book rather than a narrative or historical account. Handbook is a good name for it. Lots of information you probably won't easily find elsewhere. The entire text is searchable Best, jerome ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions expressed in these posts are the opinions of the original poster only and not necessarily the opinions of the List Owner, the Webmaster or any other members or entities connected with this mailing list. The Czernowitz-L list has an associated web site at that includes a searchable archive of all messages posted to this list. Please post in "Plain Text" if possible (help available at: <>). To remove your address from this e-list follow the directions at To receive assistance for this e-list send an e-mail message to: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Received on 2011-08-09 22:36:04
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