I would like to introduce myself to the group.
My name is Yefim Kogan, born in Kishinev, emigrated to the US in 1989.
My parents are from a shteitl Kaushany, Bendery uezd, Bessarabia.
Here is my connections to Czernowtsy - I have a number of relatives also from Bessarabia, but moved to Czernowtsy after the war. On is Meir Kogan(1903, Kaushany-1966. Czernowtsy), brother of my grandmother. I recently found his name at the Czernowtsy cemetery at JewishGen with the photo. His son, who lives in NY, emigrated 35 years ago and did not see the matsevah since, was very much impressed. Also my mother's brother used to live in Czernowtsy after the war, and was in a military service in Storozhenets. So, I visited that great city many times in 60s, 70s, and last time together with my wife and older son in 1978 - actually we were in Czernowtsy and went to Kosov for a week, which is not far.
I live in Boston now, and participate in Jewish Genealogy of Great Boston events, and for last three years presented at the Jewish Genealogical Conferences. My interests are mostly in Bessarabia, that is why at the last conference in Washington, I proposed to organize a separate group for Bessarabia, and now there is a Bessarabia Special Interest Group at JewishGen: http://www.jewishgen.org/Bessarabia/
The SIG was not yet officially announced, but the website is read and the Discussion / Mailing Group will be working soon too. You could find a number of towns in Northern Bessarabia which are very close to Czernowtsy. If you want to share some of you material on Bessarabia with the Bessarabia group, please let me know.
I am also coordinating a group of people who translate Bessarabia Revision Lists - http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Romania/BessarabiaRevisionLists.htm. We have completed more than 36000 records so far, also I developed a Kehila website for Kaushany- http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/Causeni/Kaushany.htm
What is interest me very much in your group that to find out if you have Vital or other records with people who came to Czernowtsy or close by towns from Bessarabia, or possible left to Bessarabia. Among Bessarabia records from 19 century there are some birth records which list father as Austrian Citizen. Unfortunately it does not say the town they are from... One of my goals is to find out how my family and other families appear in Bessarabia.
Yefim Kogan
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