[Cz-L] Dermer / Tamler

From: Kreindler Simon <simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca>
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 10:42:17 -0400
To: "czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu" <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Kreindler Simon <simonkreindler_at_sympatico.ca>

[plain text please... thanks]


I have forwarded your letter to the Jewish Genealogy Society of Toronto. Hop=
efully, they will publish it in the next issue of their journal, Shem Tov an=
d someone will recognize the names.

Best regards,

Simon Kreindler

Subject: [Cz-L] Help finding relatives in Toronto, Canada, originally from B=
From: <dana.dimitriu_at_web.de>
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2011 18:44:53 +0200
X-Message-Number: 8

Dear all,

I am trying to find relatives / their descendants in Toronto, Canada and hop=
e someone will be so kind to help me. Or - even better - perhaps someone out=
 there knows them!

The people in question are two sisters and the daughter of one of them, all o=
f them from Bucovina, Unter-Stanesti / Stanestii de Jos (not sure), who surv=
ived the Holocaust in Transnistria in a place called Jedinetz. After the end=
 of the war I am assuming that they went to Romania first, then to Israel, a=
nd from there to Canada.

1. Berta born DERMER, who was married TAMLER before WWII

On the Page of Testimony which Berta filled in for her mother-in-law Sali TA=
MLER and also on other POTs she submitted, she signed her name as Berta DERM=
The date of the POTs was October 1956 - so she must have arrived in Israel b=
efore 1956 and moved from there to Canada later.
[ The reason I am almost 100% sure that Berta had immigrated to Israel is th=
at during that period people from the Eastern Block were not allowed to trav=
el, so in my eyes I can exlude the possibility of the POTs being submitted d=
uring a visit to Israel. ]

Berta's husband, Victor TAMLER, born ca. 1912, was killed in 1942 and as far=
 as I know, the couple had no children.
Judging by Victor's birth year, I am assuming Berta to have been born in the=
 interval 1910 - 1920.
I do not know if Berta remarried after 1956.

2. Clara born DERMER, who was married TAMLER before WWII; apparently remarri=
ed after WWII to Walter ENGEL

Clara (sister of Berta), was married to Samuel (Sami) TAMLER (brother of Vic=
tor). Sami was born 1914 so I am assuming Clara to have been born 1910 - 192=
The couple had a daughter, called Anita (see further down).
Clara did not submit any POTs at Yad Vashem so I do not know if she ever imm=
igrated to Israel or perhaps took another route to Canada.

3. Anita / Hanny TAMLER

Anita was born shortly before WWII - around 1937-1938. She survived Transnis=
tria together with her mother Clara and aunt Berta.
=46rom what I know, she was married MARKS - no further details here. I think=
 she had at least one son (?).

I know all three ladies were living in Toronto because they had been corresp=
onding irregularly with my great-aunt Edith (Medi) TAMLER, who passed away l=
ast year in Tel Aviv.

A certain Pinkhas DERMER submitted a bunch of POTs at Yad Vashem on the same=
 date as Berta so I am supposing he was closely related to her - perhaps a b=
rother? or father?=C3=82 On ancestry.com there is a record of arrival in Ap=
ril 1957 in New York for Pinchas and Berta DERMER, both identified with an I=
sraeli passport. I have no other information but perhaps it rings a bell wit=
h someone.

While Clara and Berta might have passed away, Anita / Hanny would be in her 7=
0s and I am hoping she still lives. Victor and Sami TAMLER were first cousin=
s of my maternal grandfather. We know very little about what happened to thi=
s branch of the family and I am trying to find out as much as I can.

I have tried to find online directories of Jewish cemeteries in Toronto but s=
o far was unsuccesful. I would be grateful for any assistance you might be a=
ble to offer to help me make contact=C3=82 - thank you in advance!

Kind regards,

Dana Dimitriu

Wiesbaden, DE
Email dana.dimitriu_at_web.de

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