[plain text please... thanks]
=0ADear Dana,=0A=0AI hope my information will be=A0helpful =A0to you. Thank=
you for your eloquent words =0Aabout my book "Ruth's Journey." Should you =
want the book=A0 for your mother in =0AGerman, go to Amazon.de and look for=
the title "KEINE ZEIT F=DCR TR=C4NEN" Ruth =0AGlasberg Gold, Edition Stein=
bauer, Wien.=0A=0AGood luck with your search!=0A=0AFondly,=0A=0ARuth=0A=A0=
=0A=A0=0ARuth Glasberg Gold=0A20191 E Country Club Dr, #1802=0AAventura, FL=
33180 USA=0A=A0=0AT 305.936.9494=0AF 305.936.9992=0Aemail: glasgold_at_bellso=
uth.net=0A=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: "dana.dimitr=
iu_at_web.de" <dana.dimitriu_at_web.de>=0ATo: RUTH GOLD <glasgold_at_bellsouth.net>=
=0ASent: Sat, September 3, 2011 1:13:10 PM=0ASubject: Re: [Cz-L] Woman born=
1881 studying medicine? MIZRACH / BROCHIS=0A=0AHello Ruth,=0A=0Athank you =
for your prompt reply!=0AAnd may I take this occasion of thanking you also =
for your book, Ruth's journey, =0Awhich was such a special read for me. It =
was moving and shocking and terribly =0Asad but at the same time hopeful an=
d not resentful. I read it in English but my =0Amother's English is not eno=
ugh so I intend to procure it in German for her.=0A=0A[ On my mother's side=
, most family members residing at the time in Zastavna and =0APutila were d=
eported to Transnistria - only one came back - my grandfather's =0Ayoungest=
sister - her non-Jewish husband had gone after her, found her in =0AObodov=
ka and succeeded to bring her back. The rest of the family who had been =0A=
with her in Obodovka had all died before of typhus; of the other branch of =
the =0Afamily from Putila, who were deported to Edinetz, there is no accoun=
t whatsoever =0A- unless I can find out more from two ladies in Canada I am=
looking for. ]=0A=0AThank you again - stay well, all best wishes from sunn=
y Wiesbaden,=0A=0ADana=0A=0A--=0ADana Dimitriu=0AWiesbaden, DE=0AEmail dana=
.dimitriu_at_web.de=0AFax +49-3212-3262367=0A--=0AResearching: BRECHMAN, BOLCH=
ER=0Ain: Ataki, Gan Yavne, Husiatyn, Kopyczynce, Kozmin, New York, Prague, =
Putila, =0ARhode Island, Salvador de Bahia, Sereth, Tel-Av
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